Falling in love with Spider Boy (Part 3)

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A/N: This used to be one of my Wattpad stories before I un-published it because of writers block. If you have any ideas please let me know.

Warnings: None


---10 years later----

Ellie's POV

My alarm clock goes off and I groggily get out of bed, I look at the time 6:30 and immediately I get a rush of excitement, today was the day I was going back to high school, this was my chance to be a normal teenager for once, even though I graduated MIT with 3 degrees and a PHD for computer sciences by the time I was 14. I am now 16 and I am finally getting togo to school.

I walk over to my wardrobe and pick out a black and white striped crop top, a cute blue jacket and a navy blue skirt (A/N: picture above), I walk over to my black backpack which already has my books I need for school.

"Can you tell Dad that I will b down in the kitchen in 1 minute Liza?"

I ask Liza, my AI, she is just like FRIDAY, but I built her myself, she is also sinked to my earrings and only I can hear what she says, Liza is programmed into my watch, she can bring up holographic projections and when I need she can activate my secret suit, my superhero name is Black Widow, my powers are that I can control the elements, Time manipulation, telekinesis, and being able to read minds, only my dad and the Avengers know my secret identity.

"No problem Ellie."

Liza replies, and I head out of my room with my bag on my back and walk down to the kitchen, I see my Dad already down there eating some cereal with some coffee next to him, my Dad could not survive without coffee, I always tease him about this, when he notices that I am standing here, he gets up and hands me $200.

"You can't just give me $200!, What is everyone going to think when they see a kid with $200!?"

I yell at him, he looks at me confused and sighs, taking back the 200 and hands me a 50, I place it in my bag and kiss him on the cheek.

"Now at school you will go as Eleanore Williams, to keep you safe okay. And also Happy will be driving you to school, and you will be going to Midtown high."

My Dad tells me, I smile and nod and I give him another hug before I wave goodbye and walk towards the entrance, once I get outside I see a taxi, with happy in it, I smile at myself, being thankful that my Dad didn't make Happy drive me to school in the back Limo. I open the door to the passenger side and sit down. I look at Happy and he doesn't say anything but he smiles and that is all I ever need him to do.

Once we reach the school, I step out of the car, thank Happy and walk towards the entrance, I feel nervous and excited at the same time, as I enter I see hundreds of lockers, how am I meant to find mine? I think to myself and that's when I remember Liza,

"Hey Liza, which locker am I?"

I ask her.

"You are locker 248 Ellie."

Liza replies and I walk down searching form locker, when I crash into someone, and I fall to the ground, I look up to see a handsome boy with dark hair that stood out at all angles, gloriously messy, as though he had just rolled out of bed. He wasn't tall, no, not by any stretch of anyone's imagination. But he towered over me above my five foot and one inch height. Worn denim jeans sat snugly on narrow hips, a black Star Wars tee-shirt that showcased a magnificent body, lithe but powerful, broad shoulders threatening to erupt from the flimsy material. But what really floored me were his eyes. Oh his deep chocolate eyes, their molten gaze burning a hole into me. Those orbs of gooey perfection locked on my own green irises, I blush slightly as he holds out his hand to help me up once I am back on my feet he says,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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