Manipulated Assassin

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A/N: This short story was made this year (2019) when I am in year 10. It is based a theme from Macbeth, since that is the play we studied. Obviously from the title, the theme I chose was manipulation.

I am also rlly happy cause I just found out this got me 96% which is the highest mark I have ever gotten so yay!

Warning: None


My Katana cutting smoothly through the cool breeze of the morning air. I move from side to side, bringing my sword along with me. I do nice slow controlled movements before I strike hard and fast. I walk to the edge of the cliff and sit down, the dewy wet grass seeping beneath my pants, while I watch the sun rise.

The morning breeze picks up the fallen red, and pink cherry blossom flowers blowing them in my direction. I stand up and marvel at the beauty and grace the wind holds, I twirl around, loosing myself in the wind and loud roaring crashes from the water below, like an epiphany to my ears. Suddenly I am pulled back into the harsh reality of life. I remember my father talking to me last night:

"My dutiful daughter, you leave tonight, and I want it done by tomorrow mid-day", leaving me in the training room to ponder my own thoughts. I head towards my quarters. On entering, I notice new clothes on my bed, which I presume are the clothes for my journey. A deep sigh escapes my lips as I move forward, and I start preparing myself for what lies ahead.

I hear a deep voice emitting from my radio.

"Naotami, come in, can you hear me?" The deep male voice asks.

I exhale before picking the radio and answering.

"I can hear you father."

I know he can hear the doubtful tone of my voice and I know he knows why.

"I know what you must be thinking but believe me, for us to truly continue with our plans we need to kill the King. If you do this, I promise to make you rich. Finally, free, and everyone will exclaim, 'Naotami Shakora, the True Hero of Merilla.' Doesn't that sound wonderful? - It is the title you deserve."

I take a deep shuddering breath. I am constantly having a battle inside my brain, contemplating if this is actually for the good, but I don't see a reason for father to lie to me, so I just ignore the voice, pick up my bag and start walking, the radio still clutched in my hand.


I arrive at the castle by dusk. The once bright, vibrant, clear blue sky now fading into purple and black. The moon rising, now casting shadows around the path I am walking. The wind harshens as I clutch to my jacket, ruffling my waist length brown hair as I approach the back entrance to the castle.

I reach behind my person and grab the bow I have strapped to my back along with an arrow. I peak around the corner and see a guard. I position my arrow so it will spear right through the middle of his throat. I draw the arrow back, taking in a deep breath before letting go.

I hear a hoarse grunt before a loud smash. Bullseye! I think to myself as I walk around. I bet that some of the guards hear the commotion, but I don't care. I just walk through the wooden door. Soon enough four guards now surround me. I look at them, a smirk forming on my face as I start fighting.

Roundhouse kick, backflip and block with sword and stab, repeat. Soon enough all guards are all on the floor dead. Blood oozing from their bodies in large amounts, their eyes emotionless and lifeless. I then walk down a long dark corridor; it smells like mould and dust.

As I continue to make my way towards the King, I encounter lots of guards, my blade and bow killing each and every one of them. My once silver Katana now covered in the blood of plenty. Eventually I reach the King's quarters.

I smash the oak brown door down with a side kick, and as it falls to the ground I step through the threshold. I look at the sleeping King, twitching slightly from the noise I just made. I hover my blood-soaked Katana over his heart.

There is no voice to help me now. No voice telling me to stop and I thrust the blade right through his heart. Then darkness ensues.


I wake up in a dusty, gritty, grey cell, blood still occupying my now dirty and ragged clothing. How long have I been here? How am I supposed to get out of this mess? I hope father will come to save me, I mean after all I did kill basically the King and all the King's men.

Not a moment later does none other than Father himself walk through the prison door. He looks different, wearing a red robe shot with golden threads, and I immediately know that he is now King. He was always close to the royal family and I guess it only seems right that he is King. I smile at the fact that the plan has worked, and that I had a part to play in the victory, but this joy is short lived.

"Bring her out of there Tucker. It is time she faces her punishment for the high treason she has just committed." Father tells the guard next to him and he nods curtly.

He unlocks the door and hauls me out.

I can't believe this is happening. After all I have done for him, this is my reward.

Bright light pierces my vision as we enter through set of doors leading to a semi big platform just outside the castle with a noose hanging from the overhead. People mingling below.

"My people behold, we are here today to witness the hanging of Naotami Shakora the notorious Assassin who killed our beloved King and the True Villain of Merilla." Father says.

As everyone cheers as I am shoved up to the front of the wooden platform, I feel the noose tighten around my neck. I gulp. How naive can I have been, to trust a wolf in sheep's clothing? Then, crack. Darkness.

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