Chapter 8: The Angel

Start from the beginning

"People have been saying weird things about me. Ellen mentioned not many people believed it, but I'm still a little worried." Edith lifted her head finally, rubbing at the sore spot on her forehead.

"What are they saying? You know you shouldn't listen to stupid rumours, right?"

Edith nodded quickly as Joanna's hands snaked around her briefly in a comforting hug.

"They just said weird things. I don't really know what." she said quickly "And don't worry, I don't listen to them but it's still annoying."

"Oh, honey." Joanna sighed as Edith finally spotted what the woman had put in front of her. It was a light purple smoothie. Lavender, her favourite "I'm sure people will forget about it no time. Just ignore them, you're much better than whatever they're mumbling."

Edith smirked briefly "Thanks, mum."

As Edith's eyes widened, she could watch how Joanna's bright smile matched the sun.


Professor Charles Xavier asked Edith to check on Warren after he made it clear he didn't want to talk or see anyone. Or go out of his room. Jean made sure to explain The Apocalypse incident and his implication to make the teen's job easier. She didn't know the guy but accepted anyway, not caring his presence with Apocalypse event, Edith herself had been in his situation not too long ago anyway. Feeling trapped and hopeless.

Nevertheless, she was nervous. The blonde used to be part of many activities as a cheerleader, but a year of executions made her a little wary of strangers. She couldn't fail Charles, though. He seemed to trust her with this task. Edith stood in front of the door of the room that had been assigned to him, a box of takeout food on her hands. It was funny how she went from being in his position to being in Jean's. She knocked awkwardly, only receiving silence as an answer. Edith huffed, not giving up just yet, and opened the door anyway.

"Where the hell did you get the vodka from?" she asked, wide-eyed and clearly seeing the bottle no matter how hard he tried to hide it. Warren gave up with a sigh and continued to take long sips from it.

Edith noticed the smell then. It reeked of alcohol, making the air heavy and nasty.

"Why do you care?"

Edith saw the wings then, long feathers with wounds and burn marks. There were some metallic parts that seemed about to fall off. It was a weird version of what seemed to be an angel. As if the one in front of her had gone through hell and back.

She couldn't help but think how she had never seen a man as handsome as the one standing in front of her.

"Just curious." Edith rolled her eyes, closing the door behind her. Charles Xavier told her to be patient, to try her best (two things Edith was bad at) "I brought you some food. Thought you'd be hungry."

Warren vaguely pointed to a desk below the window and took yet another sip of the bottle. Edith had to squint and try to find her way, as the curtains were drawn and the only light source in the room came from a lamp by the bed. The few seconds it took her to set the food she used to figure out some way for him to trust her.

"Can I try? The vodka." Edith blurted out, not knowing what else to say. She regretted her words as soon as they left her mouth.

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