Faith Brought Us Together (Requested)

Start from the beginning

~~~~~~~ Five Weeks Later~~~~~~

You woke up and smiled to yourself today Faith and Nick were coming back from their vacation/honeymoon Faith was pretty much your only friend, you were a loner you never understood why she was your friend she was so pretty and you well let's just say you were the best looking In the bunch. You hoped that she wasn't still mad at you for ruining the little bit of wedding reception she had left. She gave you a mouthful a few weeks ago saying how you shouldnt have  ran out like that and you shouldn't have been so rude to Niall but really you didn't mean to if anything you were doing him a favor.

You dialed her number putting the phone to your ear, waiting for her to pick up... at about the last ring she finally picked up the line went silent.

"Hello?" You spoke to make sure she was on the phone.

"What?" She snapped you could tell she was still mad.

"Come on Faith please don't tell me your still mad." You begged

"Of course I'm still mad your ruining fate!" She yelled at you.

"Faith I'm sorry I'll do anything to make it up to you." You said

"Go out with Niall." She ordered

"Anything but that please.." You  pleaded.

"Goodbye  Y/N " She said hanging the phone up.

Is she seriously that mad?

You sighed dialing her number agaik she picked up on the second ring.

"WHAT!!!" She yelled at you, you weren't surprised you took a different breath.

"Fine." You mumbled earning a squel from her causing you to remove the phone from your ear after a minute you sighed attaching the Phone back.

"REALLY?!?!" She asked loudly.

"Yes if it'll makes you stop being mad at me then so be it." You told her.

"Okay then tomorrow night you and Niall 8'Oclock sharp and don't mess this up for yourself I'll text you his number." She informed you.

"Okay" You responded as she hung up. 

After about two minutes later you got a text you opened it.

It was from Faith.

457 003 5521 call him and ask him out. ;) 

You rolled your eyes at your friend. She's really making you do this. You shook your head before clicking the number and texting him.

Hi Niall this is Y/N I know you don't know me that well but I was thinking maybe we could hang out tomorrow?

You took a deep breath and sent it.

You felt an unknown feeling of anticipation and nervousness you didn't know why you were so nervous... You shook off the thought going into the living room and turning the TV on.

About 20 minutes later your phone dinged indicating that you had a text message you unlocked Your phone and opened the text.

Y/N of course I know you! Your my soon to be wife right? Hahaha Yeah sure we can hang tomorrow how about noon? Niall replied you couldn't help the unwanted smile that crept on your face as you quickly saved his number before responding.

That's perfect see you there! You quickly texted and in record time he texted back.

It's a date! ;D Is what the text read causing your heart to flutter. You rolled your eyes before turning your attention back to the TV your hormones are really stupid.

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