Chapter 2

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Today, they are more relaxed. Dr. Grant thinks whether she should take it as a good sign. Calm before storm, she reminds herself.

But the way they are sitting a little closer to each other and the way their fingers almost brush as their hands rest on the couch between them makes her smile in spite of herself. They return it, and it's a little less tentative.

"How are we feeling today?" She asks gently. Lexa and Clarke glance at each other, and she doesn't fail to notice how their gazes fall to the other's lips and linger there. She mentally thanks years of practice for allowing her to remain collected when all she wants to do is grin. It's rather typical for couples in love to immediately crave a physical connection as soon as they are told to put a temporary stop to it. But intimacy is so, so much more than just sex.

She makes a mental note to give them several intimacy exercises to do at home.

"Good," Lexa says, and Clarke nods. "We're feeling good. I mean - I feel good. Do you--"

"Yes," Clarke jumps to clarify it, eyes mildly panicked. "I -- yes, I feel good." Katherine gives her an encouraging smile, but the blonde woman barely returns it and leans back into the couch.

"Clarke," Dr. Grant tries. "If something is bothering you, it's okay to speak up. We're here to listen." She gives Lexa a sideways glance. The brunette is nodding along as she studies her partner.

But Clarke only shakes her head and hides behind a smile that could almost pass for genuine. "Nothing is bothering me. I'm just a little nervous, still. I -- I've never been in therapy before."

"Do you want to leave?" Lexa asks immediately, voice quiet and soft. It never fails to astonish Dr. Grant - how gentle the woman is with Clarke after such a tremendous betrayal. The fact that they are ever here after everything they've been through...

"No, no, of course not," Clarke says quickly. "I want to be here. I'm fine."

Lexa doesn't look like she believes her, but that's not entirely unexpected.

Dr. Grant nods. "Okay. Now, last session was more introductory than anything." Lexa lets out a barely audible scoff at that, but she decides to ignore it for now. "Today, I propose we try to dig deeper." Clarke's paling more and more with each word. She's certainly sympathetic towards her, but this is necessary, so she ignores that, too. "With a betrayal like that, it's crucial to be as open and truthful as possible. Clarke," the blonde woman visibly restrains herself from flinching, but nods to indicate she's listening. "Are you willing to be just that?"

"Of course." The answer is immediate and sure.

"Good." Katherine looks at Lexa next. "Now, Lexa... It's important that neither of you hide anything. I'm sure you have some questions regarding the whole situation that you never asked Clarke, don't you?"

Lexa's silent for a long moment, but Dr. Grant is patient. She continues to look at her with encouragement, not taking her eyes off her a she waits for her to speak.

Finally, green eyes meet hers, and the woman nods. "Yes. I do."

"Great." It's clear that neither of them agree with her statement. "I think that today we should dedicate our session to really getting everything out in the open. The wound needs to be cleaned before it starts to heal."

The room grows silent once again. Lexa's staring at her shoes and Clarke is staring at Lexa, her lower lip bitten and her face tense.

Katherine gives him another moment before deciding she should intervene. "If you'd like, I could facilitate--"

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