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As a Sinister, none of us knew our parents. The government would strip us away right after birth. We grew up training, we did nothing else. Combat was a top priority for us; we were the ones called upon to protect the people after Earth became impossible to inhabit. All life forms were transferred to a nearby planet. Life changed, time changed.

When I was born, I held a crystal. It instantly told the doctors and the government that I was different. As soon as higher power knew about me, I was instantly brought to upper power. From the day I was born, I was considered royalty. I learned and trained like a normal Sinister but, I had extra practice to work on.

After the research was performed on me and my crystal when I turned of age. It showed I possessed the power to inhabit and recreate. Instantly after, I was appointed as a sinister goddess. I no longer trained like anyone else, I was now on the list to go down to earth.

∞ ✿ ∞

The rattle of the descending helicopter broke me out of my trance. I instantly became aware of the dry air that filled my lungs. As the helicopter landed I could feel the hot heat radiate from every direction, the earth already seemed like an inhabitable place.

As I stepped off the helicopter I could feel the gravity instantly taking effect, it wasn't as strong as they trained us it would be. I took a long look around and for miles all I could see was dust. Earth had no color left, no life left. Earth was now a huge pile of dust. I looked toward Max, a strong blue-eyed, brown-headed man. We'd known each other since we were kids. He wasn't born on Sinister day, his dad was just the sinister training general.

"General Elizabeth?" Max said as he stepped off the helicopter.

I flashed my eyes back toward Max "Yes Sergeant?". Normally I wouldn't call my best friend by his rank but, we were on a business trip that needed to be taken seriously.

"There is nothing here, it's all dust and rock. There is nothing left from a past civilization," he said as he holstered his gun on his belt. Usually I would listen to Max, but I stared at him for a moment before taking a step further away from the helicopter. Something inside me sensed some type of energy in the air. The energy that felt new, free. There was something here, and I am going to find it.

"Sergeant, send the news to the commander that we will be staying in search of life." I paused for a moment before continuing, "There is something out here, I can feel it moving through the earth's energies."

After a few moments I finally heard an answer "Yes General." Then he hurried off into the helicopter as the pilot started the engine and the rotor blades spun to life. Dirt and debris spun around me as the helicopter lifted off the ground toward the sky station.

I stood there for a few moments before crouching onto the ground and taking some sand and dirt between my fingertips. The grit of the material felt similar to the one on the second earth. It was rough when touched, but had a softness when sitting on it in a pile. My attention then moved to the wind blowing around me. It felt fresh, clean, and light; I never experienced anything like this before. This was all new, it was amazing. But one of the questions that lingered was, what happened to earth? 

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Hey guys! This is my first ever Science Fiction book! So hang in there with me :). This first chapter is more of an introduction to the main character. Chapter two will be a lot more longer and you will definitely want to come back! 

Be sure to drop this book a vote and maybe even comment on what you think so far. 

Thank you to everyone in advance!

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