What's happening.

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PS: OVER ORIGINAL CHARACTER OVERLOAD, do not expect Hiba-chan to say 'Kamikorosu' to Namimori chuu students out of blue here :D 


Chapter 1: What's happening? 

~ [Name] POV~

"Hey! Is a Namimori Chuu's student!" 

"Is she conscious?" 

"Ne, how come she just fainted not so far from the front gate..." 

"I'll call a Namimori student to bring her to the school." 

"OK, I'll watch her to make sure she's not harmed, go quick!"

E-eh? Why it's so noisy..?

"Look! I think she's conscious now." 

"Right! Her fingers twitched."

What..? So what if my finger twitched... eh, uh, huh?

"Excuse me young lady, are you OK?" An old man asked me.

Now, I just realized I was lying on the ground with a little crowd of people surrounding me, what happened?

"Uh... I'm fine?" I answered,  

"Ah..! But we've found you lying on the ground, fainted. Perhaps you haven't eaten anything in the morning and then you got soooo~ tired? And then you faint?" 

"...What?" God, he's annoying, can't he make a simple reply? 

"Anyway, since you're conscious now, you shall go to school now or you might be late, be careful next time!" he said, before he waved at me, smiling, and then walks away. 

"Arigato... I guess." I whispered in confusion, what just happen to me really? Ugh!

The crowd left me, well that's good. Now let me think what the hell just happened...

Ah... I was coming to school late because late because I helped a drowning little kid, with black afro hair but I don't really like him though, he's freaking loud. [1] When I arrive the school, Hibari said that he's going to bite me to death and then I said I was late because I helped a drowned kid, then he said he don't care, you broke a rule herbivore but then I starting saying to him that's not fair then I fought back.  

We fought for several minutes and then he stopped, saying that the class has started, he'll torture me later but then I was pulled into a weird white cocoon [2] and then whoooooshhh! I don't know what happen anymore. What the heck?

"[Last Name]-san! Are you alright?" A strangely familiar voice called,  

"I'm good... EH?!" Th-that was HIBARI!!?  

"Thank goodness let's go! Or you'll be late to class!" He said with a smile is he OK? 

"Wha..? w-w-wait!" 

"Huh?" He tilted his head in confusion, what the hell! That's not something Hibari will do.  

"Where is your discipline committee jacket? And your armband?" 

"What are you t-talking about [Last Name]-san? I'm not a discipline committee member or leader..." 


"S-Sawada-san is the one who is the discipline committee l-leader!" He said as he shivers as the same time.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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