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Alven is a city of immortals. It is just the opposite of what our earth is. If you call earth is a face of a coin, then Alven automatically occupies the other face of it. Life exists on both. The things that makes Alven different are the people who lives here, called Alvians, and the only water body of Alven , called Jovelian.

Unlike mortals, Alvians are powerful and their heart is the home to only amiable feelings. The reason behind the power of all the Alvians lies in the Jovelian, which not only serves as the only water body of Alven, but also holds magical powers. If Jovelian's holy water feels an Alvian is worthy enough to shoulder something special, then it also passes that special power to him or her.

All the alvians' souls resided a mortal body on earth once, but the vice versa is not true. Not all the mortals get the chance to become an alvian.

Are you a good human being? Have you done good enough deeds while your mortal body lasted on earth? If yes, then congratulations, your soul is eligible to become an Alvian. But if not, then it'll be destroyed by the Trio power, the rulers of Alven, because this heavenly city can't bear the sin ingrained black souls.

Do we have a life after death?

We always wander in the maze of our already complicated mind to bump into the answer of this question. Now that you know that we do have a life after death and if you got visited, while you are lying, by any chance, on your death bed (don't know what to call you: Fortunate or Unfortunate) by a red hooded person with a black band ingrained right wrist who is visible to no one but only you, then don't panic.

He is an Alvian too. He is there to help your soul. If it wouldn't for him, your soul could never depart earth but would stay trapped in your mortal body forever. This Alvian is called a Quietus.

On earth, we always follow a hierarchy in every field, every department. The more efficient, qualified and better people are always placed on the top shelf. They are the people who govern us, maintain a flow. In short, they are solely responsible for running our world properly.

This hierarchy not only connects a human being to only other human beings but to an Alvian too and that is why the Trio makes a Quietus.

Though all the Alvians are about love and affection, and though their heart couldn't bear any kind of animosity, but the thing that no alvian could deny is their pure hatred of all the mortals. It's the kind of antipathy that runs in the blood of all the Alvians and they aren't guilty of it. Rather, they share this feeling with great pleasure and enjoys being past the human stage of their life. They thank the Trio for putting their soul in the womb of an Alvian woman.

But the thing is, flow of life is not always same. Not on earth, not on Alven. What would you do if the fate decides to change the course of this flow? What would an Alvian do if his path gets crossed by a mortal? We mortals are incapable of surviving our human relationships. How would this mortal handle something so aberrant?

Keep turning the pages, and you might find the answers to all this questions.

A Mortal and an Alvian (A Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now