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 I dedicate this chapter to the brilliant bridget-molly for the lovely icon of Perrie she made for me.

It was weeks after the ceremony. The days that unfolded after that was hectic with insurmountable duties, sending all the other priorities of Zayn tumbling down.

Lukas became more drab day by day. He was now hardly seen moving about the house and that is why, the only thing other than his work that Zayn did was to make regular detours to his parents room every day once in a while. Meeting his parents was also the only thing that remained in his routine from the past. All the other things were either gone or changed. Even the proposal of these meetings ahead didn't hold any elated feelings as they once did.

Toll of being a Quietus became so high that the carefree boy that Zayn once was, seemed like a fictitious figure. All he saw ahead was a maze now, snaked with unknown paths and dead ends. He just followed this mysterious and dark paths without even asking his inner instincts, which always told him nothing but to run away to somewhere where he wouldn't have to carry this tag along, where he wouldn't be called a murderous soul-lifter, a Quietus. This instinct often choked him to the point that he felt like dying again, except Death wasn't possible now. On the contrary, he himself was the death now.

"So, have you given any heed to the idea I suggested?" Aaron asked while holding out a chair to him. They were standing in the balcony of Zayn's room.

The balcony was huge ivy and vines running the walls and snaking the railing. Colorful flowers were blooming, mixing their fragrances to the wind that was blowing through them. It overlooked the nature and the river Jovelian, the water of which holds magical powers just like the Avlians blood does which is as colorless as the Jovelian from the days of its origin.

No one from Zayn, Emma  and Aaron remembered as to how and when this balcony became their favorite spot. But nowadays, even his favorite spot lost that charisma. It just failed in pestling the darkness of miseries that his heart holds inside now which is palling over the colorful memories from his past and making them look as if they had been a piffle.

Being in the familiar company did nothing good to Zayn but stirred the sea of longing that craved for those happy moments, his happy past and this made his face metaphor to that of a man who has suffered a great agony. Immediately, Aaron understood that look.

"Really! How could you forget such a brilliant idea as that?" He said, trying to mitigate the effect of the adverse current that was running in the atmosphere around. He also feigned hurt by dropping the corners of his mouth to fortify it..

Zayn took a deep sigh." Ah Rooney! It's been a while since we last met. I'v been this deep in this shitty job of mine and it really left no space for your fine idea which I'm sorry I really couldn't recall."

Aaron has been trying to meet him since the day after ceremony. He knew Zayn needed a friend in this circumstances but somehow, he was failing in arranging a meeting with him. Today, it so happened that he walked into him. Given, Zayn tried to escape but Aaron was a tenacious man, no one could escape him.

Aaron bored his gaze  into his friend's face and read through the false smile that Zayn was pretending. He stood up, walked over to the railing, his eyes fixed on the water of Jovelian which was sparkling like diamonds. He stood there and Zayn looked up at his face. He seemed like he was fighting with his own emotions. Then he turned around and placed a hand on Zayn's shoulder.

A Mortal and an Alvian (A Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now