Chapter 8

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I wake up with a heavy headache. Out of all the days I could have got it, it's today. Fuck you!

I get out of bed and search for some painkillers. I have an hour to get to work but my job isn't the thing I am excited about. Today I am supposed to meet Harry's mates. I met Harry like a week ago and he has been so nice to me. He could have just stopped talking to me after he left the other day. I am glad that he didn't.

I find some painkillers after quite some time of searching and get some water. I wonder what Harry is doing right now. I check the time and almost have a heart attack. Quickly I pull my leggings on and pull a black hoodie over my damn head. I have no time to put on a shirt under the hoodie. There's no way I have to get the hoodie off anyway.

I check my face in the mirror and see that I look okay enough. My hair is a mess but I have no time to deal with it. I pull the hood on to cover it. I take an apple and grab my backpack with my phone, charger, earphones, wallet and basically everything I need to survive.

I rush out of my front door barely remembering to lock it. I run as fast as my legs possibly can and enter the familiar doors to the Starbucks. 

"Wow, great timing you have there, girl. You barely made it." My coworker, Sarah greets me. I just simply nod and go to the back to change my clothes and do something about my hair.

I can't wait for my shift to be over and see Harry again. I'm not even that nervous anymore. thirty more minutes to go.

"Thank you, sir." I told an old man after he ordered. Not many people are here today which is a relief. I look at the next person in line and ask her what she would like. While she's telling me her order I notice a familiar man entering the coffee shop. It's Liam Payne. I wouldn't have recognised him if I wouldn't know Harry. Thanks to him I know them all.

I tell Sarah what the lady who just ordered wanted and come face to face with Liam.

"Hello, Juliette. The photographers wanted to take some solo shots of Harry so he couldn't come and pick you up. He thought I would get along with you the easiest so he asked me to. I hope it's alright."

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