chap3(how i got curious)

Start from the beginning

"What are you thinking, Simon? She knows what to do, she goes on her own" I looked at him bored of his questions before I turned to the register for initial checkups.

However, he didn't stop there "But it looks like she stopped growing at the age of two or three. I mean, she can't even speak .."

"She can. I think she just chooses not to"

"She spoke to you?" ... As the saying goes; curiosity killed the cat... I might just kill you, Simon!

"*sigh*Couple of words here and there. I don't really get it though, it almost seems like she's conscious of things like a grown-up would, but her actions are of a kid"

"What makes you think that way?"

"She refused to eat last morning but when she heard that I paid for it and it will go to waste, she ate it knowing quite well she was allergic to it"

"Only a kid would try to die with allergies, that's not a grown-up thing" he retorted. I gave him a bored glance before I spoke "That's what I am saying, usually kids would throw a fit and not care at all but she ate it because I paid... It's like she knows the value of money"

"And you; my friend, you need to keep in mind that she is a KID and not a woman... You can't fool yourself. I'm warning you. Do not, ever, fall for her. Nothing good will come from that"

"I am not falling for her... it's just that–"

I don't know what to say anymore

"Just what?...see y-"

"She's pitiful!.. I mean she was lost and in this state of mind ..she's...." what am saying?..

"Good then. You better keep your voice down though, and not let her hear you, or she might throw a fit" he glanced to the side, making me mirror his movement, knowing that she was there.

My eyes focused on the girl that was holding my watch in her hand looking at it, not even moving a muscle. The only and slightest movements created with her body were the ones allowing her to blink and breathe...

"Toby! can you please amend to that customer right there?" Hannah asked me, pointing to a lady in red.

"Sure" I walked up to her pulling my eyes to look at her and acknowledge her presence but they still managed to find their way to Jasmine yet again.

Why is she so obsessed with that watch?

Why is she not holding my shirt anymore?

Is it because of that watch that she did in the first place?

"Hello? Did you hear what I said?" a hand blocked my vision; breaking my thoughts.

"Sorry, madam. Yes? what can I do for you?"

"My friend is in the hospital, so I need a bouquet"

"Sure. What type of flowers would you like? Have you got anything in mind?"

"Anything you recommend" she smiled at me when I looked straight at her... That smile would have made me cocky, I would have flirted with her. I mean she looked gorgeous too but... Only her lips smiled, her eyes didn't...

Jasmine was the expert in that; the eye smile.


My eyes traveled to her. 

Only the "Her" was not there!!

She wasn't in her spot or anywhere around it! 

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