Chapter 12 Part 2: Operation Save Me!

Depuis le début

"Keep yourself together, woman," she mumbled under her breath as she nudged me with her elbow, attempting to snap me to reality. "Don't unravel here."

I gave her a mean look.

"Good evening, ladies," Kirishima greeted with a warm smile as he extended a hand over to me. "Shall we head in?"

"Yes, let's go."

Hoshimi-san went ahead to allow us to be together, and I grasped the extended hand as we headed inside. The drop in temperature made me relax, as it was surprisingly cold tonight. The soft material of the dress wasn't helping to keep me warm either.

"You look exceptionally beautiful," he whispered. "I like that colour on you."

"Thanks, Hoshimi-san chose it."

"She got a good eye for that sort of thing."

"I know, she almost wanted to kill me for denying all her choices. She's very proud to call herself a fashion icon and I must've been the most difficult to please."

He burst into a trail of laughter at my comments.

We took a left turn and headed up the winding marble staircase before taking a right down the corridor towards a large golden door with intricate markings on it.

That must be the VIP lounge.

We took a seat at the back corner. Since old habits die hard, both Kirishima and I sat down with the wall on our backs so we got the full view of the room. Hoshimi-san gave both of us a mean look as she took the seat opposite me.

Kirishima turned to me. "What would you like to drink?"

Honestly, we weren't late but her date definitely was. I didn't know who he was but he must be as powerful and as wealthy as these two, yet to be late on a date is simply unfashionable.

Hoshimi-san was not happy at all but she did not speak a word about it. While Kirishima and I were quietly discussing about what's going to happen, I noticed a man approaching our group so I figured he was her date but apparently he wasn't, he was just a business acquaintance of Kirishima.

While they discussed about their business with Kirishima holding my hand, I reached over the table to get a drink, catching Hoshimi-san's eye in the process.

"Did he messaged you?" I asked.

"Not a word."

"What are you going to do about this, Hoshimi-san?" I asked quietly. "Being late for a first date is a no for me."

She glowered despite knowing the truth so she sat up, straightened her dress a little and called for the waitress.

"I'd like to order my usual."

"Yes, Sumiyoshi-san."

Hoshimi-san held my gaze. "I am going to eat dinner and enjoy myself, what say you, Amelia?" she asked.

A grin. "Absolutely."

"I can't believe he stood me up!" she cried suddenly, her cheeks turning red as she slammed the glass on the table. "Doesn't he know who I am?"

Getting sprayed by alcohol was the last thing on my mind because I was taken aback at her sudden drunkard state. I tried hard to stifle the laughter that's bubbling up my throat.

"Are you drunk, Hoshimi-san?"

She laughed – a high pitched tone and I looked over at Kirishima who looked uncertain.

"I think it's time to go," Kirishima suggested as he turned to me. "I've never seen her get drunk before. I don't think it's pleasant if her father finds out about this."

"Let's head home, Hoshimi-san," I said, standing up to help her up from the chair. "That's enough alcohol for you."

"No!" she refused as she took another gulp of wine. "I am waiting for him to come!"

"That's not even possible, you've been waiting for two hours now," I pointed out quietly. "It's late and we got work tomorrow."


I glanced over at Kirishima. "Can you get the car by the front?" I asked. "I'll carry her down."

He nodded with no questions asked and left us, so I could deal with the grumpy girl myself. I knelt so I was eye-level, and held her hand gently in mine.

"Hoshimi-san, there's no need for you to be like this over a man who couldn't keep a promise," I said gently. "You deserve the whole world by a man who could give it to you. So please, let's head home okay?"

In her drunkard state, she managed to agree to my statement and I helped her up from the chair so we could exit the lounge room without causing more embarrassment to the other VVIPs that were watching.

Once we cleared the golden doors, Hoshimi-san seemed to lose control of her legs as she slumped against me abruptly and so I had little choice but to carry her the rest of the way.

Picking her up in a princess style was surprisingly easy – she was very light. She needs to eat more. I think she's underweight.

I climbed down the winding staircase and out the front door where the luxury car was seen parked waiting for her. I told the driver to bring her home and get her staff to bring her up to her room as I transferred her into the car, buckling her in.

Taking my things out from the car, I bade the driver goodbye as I joined Kirishima at the side.

Easing the tautness in my neck as I finally allowed myself to relax, I glanced over at Kirishima who was already looking at me. We stared at the other for what seemed like a very long time – immersed in each other's unreadable gaze and the longer and harder I looked, the more ethereal he became underneath the golden hue.

"Let's go home, shall we?" he asked, breaking the bubble.

Nodding at his suggestion, we headed to his car which was parked a few lots down and it was the usual Aston Martin. I wondered just how many cars this man has, but refrained from asking as I got in. It was something that I'd rather not ask carelessly.

"Do you think Hoshimi-san would be okay?"

"Knowing her, she will."

"This date must've affected her really badly."

"The potential groom is the heir to one of the biggest empire in the country," he explained. "To think that he's not honourable enough to attend the date is surprising, even for me."

"He's a jerk for even agreeing with the date."

He lets out a groan. "I'm not looking forward to this at all."

I laughed.


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