chapter 3

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Photo of tess.👆👆👆❤️💙

After school, Tess drove me home, I wanted to tell her what I wanted to do, but knowing Tess, she would want to tag along, and my greatest fear is her getting hit because of me, I just couldn't bare to add that to my conscience.

I slowly opened the door, and the lights were off, which was a good thing, that means my father wasn't home, I nevertheless tiptoed into the house, what!, you can never be too sure, I ran up the stairs and straight to my room, I swung my wardrobe open and got my go bag, and started packing all the things I would need.

Minutes later, I was pretty much done packing, I walked over to my shelve to get my make up kits, that was the last thing I needed, I quicky headed to my room door, I was so happy, finally i could leave this hell hole, I turned back to look around, and I realized that i wasn't going to miss anything at all, not my boring room, not my father, or even my heartless mother, that knew what was happening to me, and still didn't help me.

I quickly ran to the back door, so i could easily run off wouldn't bumping into my father on my way or I was just paranoid who knows, as I was about to shut the door, I felt a hand behind me, whoever it was pulled me back in, and I received a slap, I'm going to die!, this is finally it.

"Where do you think you're going to bitch', once I heard that voice I knew it was my father, he was back and I was going to die."

"No!" I screamed 'let me go'.

"You have a big bag with you, which means you are running away, you can never leave me,"he said holding me so tight, it hurt.

"I'm leaving and you can't do anything to stop me," I shouted at him.

"Yes I can,you're not eighteen yet."

"i  can do.......," before I could complete the sentence, he punched me in my stomach, I fell hard on the ground, bumping my head by the edge of the counter, I tried to stand up, but I couldn't, if only I could reach the back door, I could run off, even without my bag, I had to leave, if I couldn't, this could just be it, Jack finally killing me.

I tried desperately to crawl to the door, but he dragged me straight to the living room, while I was screaming my lungs off, praying to God someone heard me, I was kicking and screaming, but he wouldn't budge.

"Quit screaming, before i hurt you more," he tried to move to grab a clothe, probably to keep me shut, but I  started hitting his back, but he still wouldn't budge.

"Please stop....please, I beg you, I'm your child for God sake's," I said in between hits, but he managed to use his back hand to land a punch in my cheeks.

"I'm not your father you bitch, and you can't go to the police, you know what's going to happen if you do" he said.

"I won't go I promise just let me go," I said holding my cheeks, which hurts by the way.

"Never, you're just like your whore of a mother, you're a whore," with that he slapped me again and I saw blood on his hand, I quicky touched my head, and I realized I was bleeding, probably when I hit my head when I fell, it hurt so much, I just had to figure out a way to leave now.

"I'm not like mum, I'm not a whore" I screamed

"Go back to your room," He said with the most threatening voice I have ever heard.

"No, I'm not...., I'm going to walk out of this house and you're not going to do anything about it," I threaten him back.

"If you do that, I will find you, and this time i will kill you," he said looking at me with an intent to kill, I swear I'm not exaggerating here people.

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