2.5. Reveal

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He stood up and looked at the window. Then he looked at me. He sighed.

- I was your fioncé since birth. Your father told you, didn't he? You were engaged to someone already. It was me. But I fell in love with someone else. Edward agreed to marry her so that I could be free to choose my bride, but he didn't know I was already supposed to marry you. So... in order to be free, I had her killed so he would be free to marry you in my place. Your father only knew it was my parents' son, but he didn't know there were two. So it didn't really matter who, right? That's what I thought.

He stopped to see my reaction. I was sitting on the bed's side, speachless. He continued.

-Then I started teaching you and you turned my world upside down. I got to know you, then you made me lose my job and my girlfriend, and then you showed me another side of you on this ship while taking you to our home... And I realized I had fallen in love with the girl I didn't want to marry and killed someone dear to my brother because of it. I was hoping Edward would not come back while looking for revenge. But he succeeded and it was only a matter of time before he knew what I did. So I had to get as far from him as possible and make him believe I was dead. Meanwhile, he would get killed fighting against the pirates. I thought two years would be enough.

- Maybe you have won. When I left the ship in a rowing boat to run away from marriage and be free, he was surrounded by the crew and didn't look like he would stand a chance- I said.

- So you are guilty too, you just left him there without caring if he was going to die or not- Derek laughed, which made me unconfortable. I did not wish to be compared to him.

I felt bad for what I did. I wished I could go back and help him. Hearing Derek's story made me see Edward was the normal one. Edward did things right and he did well not trusting his brother. I would have to pretend everything was okay and that I wanted to be with him until I found a way to escape. I stood up and walked to him, trying to hide my fear and disgust.

- Derek, I'm here for you.

He smiled, although he didn't look 100% convinced. He held me tightly and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I wasn't going to stop having feelings for him, it seemed.

- Thank you, I needed forgiveness. I am a terrible person, I know, I made a terrible mistake in the past and I couldn't think of a better way to solve it than making it worse. What have I got myself into?

He started shedding tears. I had never seen a man crying before. I was shocked.

- Stay with me, Jasy, please. You're the only one I can count on.

- I will.

I was so surprised and touched I didn't even have to pretend. I just went with the flow.

- Can I ask you something?

I nodded.

- Let me rest my head in your lap.

I turned red the second I heard it. It was a good strategy, preventing me from getting away from him and at the same time creating a link in a romantic moment. That reminded me why I liked him so much. He was unpredictable and smart. I couldn't help feeling atracted to him.

I couldn't go against his word. I sat on the bed and he lied down with his head on my lap. I was nervous at first, but then I started thinking he looked cute and vulnerable. A young man willing to lay down in my lap letting himself in my hands would also be responsible for the death of his brother and their fioncés? Not to mention everyone else they killed as pirates and non-pirates. It looked hard to believe.

I remembered when I said I wanted to train to fight pirates. I actually ended up fighting alongside them. And falling in love with one. That was what a pirate's life was. I knew there would be fights and blood. But I didn't think they would betray their loved ones. I didn't kill anyone, but I did cheat on them. And I ran away from Edward and planned on doing the same with Derek. I was no different.

- Would you... maybe... like to... caress my hair?- Derek turned red by the time he finished the sentence.

I blushed too and did what he asked. It felt nice to see his tender side, his weakness. His hair was affected by the salty humidity in the air, and was wavy. I never dreamed I could be like that with him and touching his hair. I almost forgot all the bad parts.

- Derek...

- Hmm?

- What are you going to do with me?

He had his eyes closed, enjoying my touch and feeling relaxed.

- I'll have you. I told you.

- I mean... When? And what about meanwhile?

He opened his eyes and looked at me. He caressed my cheek.

- My dear Jasy, don't be impatient. You know, if I make you mine, my brother will leave you alone. He wouldn't want to be with you anymore.

- But we would have to...

- Get married, yes. Do you want that? You were my rightful fioncé after all.

- Why yes, I know. But I want to do things right. And this is not right. You should talk to Edward. I mean, we should- I said.

- The agreement was between our parents. We would have to get them together and talk about it too.

I didn't want to see my father again after what he did. I didn't even care about his opinion anymore. I cared about no one's opinion.

- I'm not really sure about that...

- Right?

- But I don't like your way of doing things either.

- And I don't like how insolent you can get sometimes- he closed his eyes and breathed slowly, trying not to get angry.

I shut up and kept caressing his hair, hoping it would calm him down. The thought of escaping again crossed my mind. But where would I go? If only I could go back home and have parties like before, being alone and free... But that meant I would have to get to know Edward for a year. What about after that? Could I continue to postpone the marriage? And what about Derek? I couldn't fool them like I did with everyone else. But... If I could fool everyone else... I would be able to at least convince their parents, and they would have to listen to them. My best option was going back. I would be safe there.

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