13. A pirate's promise

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I prepared myself for the big ball that night. I was really nervous. I was about to meet my fioncè. A servant came to tell me that the ball was getting started and the guests were already arriving. I thanked him and he left. His name was John and he was working there because he was in debt with the captain's family. It would seem that soon he would pay off and be free. Derek told me about him. John had big plans for a new business. His sister, Ella, was also working there with him to help pay off the debt.

I went to the ball room accompained by Derek, who had waited for me in the hall just to get me to the ball and guarantee that the first dance would be his.

- It has to be the first- he said.

I didn't understand why until later that night.

The music started. We danced and danced... We were both enjoying it so much we ended up dancing in the very center of the room and many stared at us, admiringly.

When we realised, the melody was over and everyone was clapping their hands.

I blushed. Derek got me out of the embarassement by dragging my hand and he took me outside to the balcony.

- Can I ask something from you?

- What?- I looked at Derek, full of expectation.

- A kiss.

That took me by surprise. I wasn't able to say a word.

- I'll take your silence as a yes.

He leaned forward, rested his hand on the balcony's edge for balance and laid an energic kiss on my lips. He couldn't help give me one more before looking at me and then a last one, shorter this time. Then he embraced me and whispered into my ear: "whatever you do, wait for me, you're mine".

- What do you mean?

- Two years. That's all I ask. Wait for me. I want you to be mine, and give you to no one else in marriage.

- I only love you- I assured him.

- Remember that. And also that I do too- he smiled-. Let's go inside. It's time.

- It is?

I was affraid. The announcement would soon be made. Time to discover who my fiancè was.

And there he was. Derek's and Edward's father, ready to make the announcement. Everyone was listening to the man in front of the refreshments and snacks table.

He greeted and welcomed everyone before proceeding with the real subject of the evening.

- And so this ball has been organized in a future couple's honor. If Miss Jaselly would be so kind as to step forward...- he waited for me to show up and then continued- I present you my son's future bride.

Everyone cheered and applauded. But I was shocked. My fiancè was one of his sons??? Which one??? That would change everything.

- And here's the groom- he said, reffering to the one that was stepping out of the crowd.

Edward. It was the captain... I would marry the captain of pirates!!!!

- No!- I said out loud.

He was just two years older than Derek but it still seemed like a lot to me. He looked so far from me, not a stranger but pretty close to being one. I loved Derek and could think of no one else.

I didn't know a thing about the captain. Not a thing! 

Everyone stared at me and started to talk to each other. I felt embarassed both for me and my future family in law so I couldn't stand it anymore and ran off to the garden, outside, tripping over people. Finally I got outside and then I saw Derek getting into a carriage. I ran towards it as fast as I could but I wasn't fast enough. Derek leaned out of the window and saw me.

A pirate's promiseWhere stories live. Discover now