2.2. Revenge

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It was not a ring as I had expected. The gift was a pocket watch. It was made out of gold and had a ruby on the flap. I looked at its back and saw there was a name on it. Derek's.

- What is meaning of this?- I asked starting to worry.

- It's all I could find.

- I don't understand...- I started to panic.

- He's gone. When I went to visit him and his girlfriend, the house looked like there had been a war in there. The girl was found dead and Derek's things were burnt. All I could find untouched was this watch in her pocket. I wanted to have her burried, but not long after I left to ask the neighbours for help with the funeral, the house was set on fire and there was nothing left. There was no trace of Derek. No one knows what happened to him. I bet I know. It must've been "him".

- The one who killed your...?

Edward nodded. So that pirate really knew what he was doing. He was after the ones Edward and Derek cared about. Their fioncés. That meant I was next.

- Wait, but Derek broke up with her... Why did he go back?

- To protect her. That letter I showed you a year ago was fake, to make you forget about him, he didn't say anything about what he was going to do about her, but going back to her and staying there for such a long time could not end otherwise.

- He will come back for me- I stated.

- Jaselly, you are MY fioncé- he pulled me to him and looked into my eyes-. Don't ever let me catch you cheating on me again. Is that clear?

His stare almost made my hearbeat stop and seeing how serious he looked I couldn't dare to go against him.

- Yes, sir.

- And don't even think of mentioning anything about my brother. He's never coming back. And even if he were to show his face again, don't forget you're mine.

- Not because I want to- those words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. And then it was too late.

- That's why we agreed on getting to know each other during a whole year, didn't we?

- And if it doesn't work out?

- Then maybe you will want to pay the money your father and my family will be losing if you keep being childish. Do you prefer to work here as a maid forever?- he let go of me and I stepped back.

Hearing the word "work" made me chill down. I was not about to give everything up and lower my position like that. My pride wouldn't let me. I understood the situation. There was nothing to be done. Once an agreement was settled, there was no going back. It was taken seriously by everyone and had consequences if it didn't go as planeed. Adult life was harder than I thought. It woke me up. Edward was not going to be fooled liked everyone else. I would not be able to have things my way with him. I admired that and decided to respect him.

- Forgive me, I am young and inexperienced- "and foolish" I thought but didn't dare to say it out loud-. I was wrong to say that. I will aknowledge you as my fioncé from now on. Thank you for the gift.

Edward raised an eyebrow wondering about the truth behind those words.

- Prove it.

- How?

"Please don't let it be a kiss, not a kiss, not a kiss..." I kept repeating in my mind.

- Let's go back in there and join the dance. Together.

After the dance, Ella, John's sister, accidentally spilled punch on me as she was bringing it to the guests. I excused myself to Edward and went to get changed. She apologised many times and tried to help me but I told her it was okay and that she should get back to her job. Ella insisted and I eventually let her come with me. She adviced me to wear something light, that would help me dance better. I took her advice, I needed something more confortable for the rest of the night. When we were going back to the ball room, she said she forgot something and went back. I stopped and decided to wait for her. Then, I heard a noise behind me and before I could even react, two hands grabbed me and next thing I knew, I was taken to a carriage waiting at the back door. The person in front of me was...

- John? What is going on?

The servant closed the door and gave the order to part.

- Sorry, Miss, but I need the money- he said.

- What is going to happen to me?

He said nothing. So, he needed the money... Someone was paying. But who wanted to pay for me? Then I realised. I was about to be as good as dead.

- What about Ella?- I asked again.

- She's going to warn the Master about this and then get out of there for good. So we get the money and you will be rescued before you know it.

- You're leading Edward to his death. How can you live knowing that?- I got angry.

- Don't worry, he's not going down that easily.

- What if he does?

- Anyway, he wants to meet him too- John justified himself.

- But not with me as bait.

- He would have killed you otherwise. If I were you, I would shut up and do what I'm told. Can you do that?

If I were to get out of that situation I promised myself I would make sure those two got what they deserved. The carriage stopped and John got out to meet "him".

- She's inside. Just like you asked. Will you keep your word?- John said.

- Rest assured.

The man gave him the money and came to get me out. I didn't recognise him, of course. I could only imagine he was probably the pirate Edward was after.

- I will get out on my own, thank you very much.

And so I did, and I stood before him, waiting for his orders. I tried to look brave, but I was actually really scared. My life was in his hands.

- Well, well, well, what have we here? A noble girl... Acting as if she had everything under control.

- I'm simply making it easier for you.

- I see you're not resisting. Come with me.

John got inside the carriage and left. I walked towards the man and followed him as he went to the docks. There, he told me to get on the boat and after I did, he jumped in and rowed until we arrived to a ship.

A pirate ship.

It was confirmed. I was being used as bait for Edward. They were after him. He didn't stand a chance. But the question that bothered me the most... What kind of welcome would I get once I was on board?

A pirate's promiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora