2.4. Promise again

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I opened my eyes and looked at him.

- I missed you.

I stretched my arms, waiting for his embrace. He helped me sit and held me in his arms.

- Why were you on a rowing boat in the middle of the ocean?

- I escaped a pirate ship that kidnapped me and used me as bait to get revenge on Edward.

- Oh no... He's going to kill me once he finds out... -Derek said. Then, he looked at me-. What do you know about the pirate captain?

- He said he was ordered to kill Edward's fioncé. But he died before he could mention any name. Why are you sailing on his ship? I thought Edward had been using it the whole year he had been missing. He said he went to your ex girlfriend's house and found her dead and you were gone and then the house was burnt.

Derek remained silent. He looked cold. He obviously knew what was going on, but decided to keep it to himself.

- Jaselly, I cannot take you with me. I have something to do and until I do it, I cannot be with you. Will you love me no matter what?

- Of course, why such a question?

- Even if my hands are dirty? I am a pirate, not a gentleman.

- I... I don't care- those words came out with a trembling voice. I was not sure of what I had just got myself into.

- If you say that, there is no going back. I will have you as my wife regardless of whatever happens until that day- Derek said, and then he kissed me.

- I won't go back on my word.

- Good, remember that. You have just promised to be mine no matter what I do.

- What do you mean...?

- I told you, I'm a pirate. And you have accepted that.

- Well, yes...

- That's all there is to it.

He was not going to tell me what he was hiding from me. I was scared. Was he also seeking for revenge like Edward? Was that what he had to do?

- I will always be on your side, don't be afraid to tell me- I tried persuading him.

- Remember our promise.

- Of course.

- I made a mistake two years ago... A horrible mistake. If you knew you'd never forgive me, just like my brother when he finds out. He'll want me dead. I had set up a plan to pretend someone had killed me, but it didn't go well, the house was supposed to burn before he found out I wasn't there. Now he surely knows what is going on. I'm sure he does. And he will come to kill me with his own two hands.

Derek looked at his hands while his eyes widened so much they could pop out any second. He was shaking and he looked scared, so scared. I put my arms around him while trying to calm him down.

- Derek, he's your brother, he would never mean you any harm, don't worry...

- No, you don't understand...

- What could be so terrible he couldn't forgive y...

Then a sudden thought came to mind and I felt chills going through my spine. He couldn't have...

- Derek you didn't...

- I did... I sent for his fioncé to be killed.

I tried to think it was in the past and he would never do that again, but as he said, he was a pirate, and asked me to accept it no matter what happens... Next? So he was still doing it? I couldn't help myself from shaking and got away from him, as far as I could. He looked at me coldly, as if he lost all hope.

- So, you are backing up now...

- I am not...

- You are scared of me... You want to keep your distance from me... Well you should have thought of that before you promised!- he raised his voice and I got really scared as he approached me.

- No, Derek, I'm just surprised, please calm down- I pleaded.

- Now I won't let you go out of my sight. I asked you to wait for me two years, but now that you found out, it's too late. You'll be mine now- he smiled in a creepy way which made me jump out of bed and run towards the door. It was locked-. Come here- he said-, and I might show you quarter.

- Promise you'll spare me and do things properly?

- Shut up and come.

I had never feared anyone so much before. I never thought it would be him, my beloved teacher, the one to make me feel that way. I took one step forward. Derek stood up. I took another step and started to feel dizzy. The fear was making me lose my senses. When I was about to take another step, I fell down and couldn't get up. I felt my strength had left me. I was terrified. Derek came and took me to bed. I was still shaking. He leaned over me and I closed my eyes and asked:

- Please don't do this to me.

He stopped and caressed my head and my cheek.

- I'm sorry for saying that. I'm not going to force you or hurt you. Of course you would be scared. But you promised to accept me as I am.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. I calmed down a bit, but I was not going to stay there. Maybe Edward was the better option after all. Or was he? Not if he killed his brother he wasn't.

- Derek... Why did you kill her?

- It was more believable that way. And also because she had told a few people about what I did and I had to take care of them all.

- What? You also killed your own...?- I tried very hard to calm down, but it just kept getting worse-. I was talking about your brother's.

- Oh, that...

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