"It's because I don't have the luxury yet to do what I want to do and I don't have that much friends in the city. Besides, I am unaware of the must visited place here. I only memorized a few route including the way to my apartment going here." 

"What do you want to do?" he asked me and I stared into the distance because I was surprised by his question. 

"Hmm. Maybe someday I would like to own my own house in the countryside. I would build my own garden and I would be there everyday to plant and do landscaping. On some days I would go to the river or the lake, do some fishing or swimming." I sighed when I remembered the old lake. I really do miss the mountains and serenity of the rural area.

"Even your long term plan sounds boring." he said arrogantly. I frowned at him because of his reply. "I was asking about your hobbies. If you have the money, where would you like to spend it?"

"A house? Wait, that's not a hobby. I guess I would go to the theater, or the arcade to waste some money. I can go to concerts of my favorite artists, try all the cuisines in all the restaurants in the city, buy all the clothes I want but I know cannot afford that type of luxury. It's okay to dream but sometimes it makes you unsatisfied with your life." I drank all the remaining coffee in my cup. All that somber talk made me aware that I am tired and sleepy. 

"Let's continue the report so that we can go home early." I said as I put down the empty cup. 

"You know if you're already tired you can leave all your finished works and you can go home and rest." Mr. Black recommended. I looked at Mr. Black to see if that was a threat but it's not. Is Mr. Black finally warming up to me or does he have a hidden kindness beneath his serious and intense demeanor? 

"I can still work for a couple of hours." I replied even though my body wants me to go home.

"No. Go home. I can handle everything. You did a great job today." he patted my shoulder and I can't tell you how happy that made me feel. Suddenly, all the exhaustion and the weariness I feel was cleared from my body.

"If you say so sir, Thank you." I picked my jacket up and headed for the door. Before I went out of the conference room, I looked back again to Mr. Black. "Goodnight sir." I said and he looked back. I nodded for the last time and  left the room. 

I went out of the room with a smile on my  face. This is a big thing. A milestone I have achieved. Mr. Black praised me for a good job.  That's a rare thing. As I walk along the hallway, I saw Madison strutting her way towards me.

"Where's Magnus?" she asked me.

"In the conference room." I replied.

"Okay. Thank you." I noticed that she was wearing an alluring and provocative cocktail dress. I shook my head as she make her way to the boardroom. I bet she can't bother Mr. Black today even if she wanted to have dinner or attend a party. He is damn busy for tonight  but why do I even care?

I looked at the digital clock on my computer, it's already 10:00 in the evening and we're the only persons left in the building except for the cleaners and the guard. I arranged all my things before I go and checked my table for pending documents. Satisfied that I have organized everything in order, I turned off my desk light and marched my way to the elevator.

The office looks peaceful and creepy at the same time now that every desk is unoccupied and empty. I got a feeling that I forgot something so I searched into my pockets for double-checking until I realized that I forgot my phone in the boardroom. I darted my way back and opened the door only to found Madison sitting on Mr. Blacks lap while they share a passionate kiss. Madison didn't see me because I was facing her back and she was fervently impassioned by the kiss but Mr. Black stared at me for my sudden interruption.

 Strike three!

I closed the door and ran for my life. Shit! Shit! Shit! Did I just interrupted them in their private time? Are they doing something more than kissing? I don't wanna know. I pressed the button of the elevator repeatedly  and cursed it for the slow response. Three floors to go until it reach my floor. Two floors. One.

"Where do you think you're going?" and I felt my soul left my body. Mr. Black is suddenly beside me. The elevator opened and Mr. Black harshly pulled my arm and cornered me with his brawny arms. I noticed that his shirt is not buttoned properly and his belt unbuckled. 

"I'm sorry. I left my phone on the chair. I didn't mean to interrupt you." If I saw a new side of Mr. Black a while ago, now I see the usual seriousness but very elevated. I can feel the intensity from his eyes, a profound and deep hatred reflected in them.

"Why do you always have to say I'm sorry?" he growled. Why do I feel like his aversion is not entirely related to what happened a while ago.

"You can always go back and continue what your doing. I'll just get my phone tomorrow. I don't care about what you're doing. I saw nothing." 

"That's not what I wanted to hear!" he slammed his hands hardly on the concrete wall and it echoed with the sound of his voice. I can feel my legs trembling. I've never saw him this angry. I did a lot of mistakes for this day. It's understandable.

"What do you want to hear?" was the words my mouth can afford. Does he want me to say 'I quit'? To give up my job? Instead he decided to answer me with silence. Our eyes doing the conversation, waiting for each of us to do something. I  can feel my whole existence being absorbed into his stare, his cruel glare drilling a hole into my very being. 

My breathing stopped  when I saw his face getting closer, as if inspecting for an answer. I can feel the warmth of his breath and smell the scent of coffee from a while ago.

"Magnus..." Madison called him. He closed his eyes and sighed before slowly removing his hands from the wall, letting it slide in defeat.

"Just go." he said with a gruff voice. 

I tried my best to compose myself and pressed the button behind my back. I heard the opening of the elevator and so I slowly stepped back struggling to get inside the elevator. Once I was inside the conveyor, I pressed the ground floor button until the gap erased their figures from my sight.

I know it may sound absurd and far fetched, but why do I feel like Mr. Black wanted to kiss me before Madison came to us. I shook the thought from my mind. Why would he? I interrupted them, not the other way around.

The Mysterious Mr. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now