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Kehlani POV ( pronounced like the singer)

   I rapped my pencil against the table and hummed  the songs that filled my ears  from my airpods. I had just finished my work and to ease my overworked mind I soothed myself with some  music by H.E.R . The classroom is loud but i'm in my own little world.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my teacher Ms. Anderson tapped on my shoulder. I pulled out my headphones and looked up.

"Kehlani if you don't mind I want to talk to you after class, I have a proposition for you." She said. Ms. Anderson is one of my favorite teachers almost like a auntie. All throughout highschool she has been helping me to make sure I get the grades I need for the college I want to go to.

" yes ma'am" I said and gave a small smile. She smiled back and walked to her seat. The class was a little rowdy, so I put back on my headphones.

     All my life I've been a little bit of a loner. Throughout middle school I had some close friends but not many and in the end they all seemed to slowly go away. I talk to people  but I just really don't have friends like that. Part of me likes being lonely but the other half wants to fit in so badly.

     I go to school, do my work, study and work hard so I can become something great. I really don't have time for any distractions.

     The bell rung and I quickly gathered my things and headed for the door. Ms Anderson stopped me, it had already slipped my mind that she wanted to talk.

"Kehlani, you have been doing fantastic. Your grades, your SAT scores, and record is perfect. All that is good but you have one thing missing, extracurricular  activities outside of the school. Colleges want to see that not only are you smart but you can work with other people." She said as she stacked some papers on her desk. I nodded and looked at my feet. I didn't really fit in that well with other people.

"So i have a student that really needs tutoring, and I think that you would be great for the position. It's not much but it would look great on your transcript." she said pulling out a red pen getting ready to grade papers.

"That sounds fine. I'm not really a people person so well see." I said sitting on the desk behind me. The desk creaked a bit in response. One reason being that it was probably old as hell .

"Girl get your behind down!!I don't have time to be replacing these raggedy desks." She said looking at me crazy. I laughed.

" Sorry miss A, I have to go pick up Lauren. That's all you need??" I asked she nodded. I gave her a hug and rushed out the door.

    Since my mom was working late today at the spa she works at i have to rush and pick my little sister up from school. I say little but she's really a teen she is in 8th grade and 14 years old. I'm 17 so i guess that's little to me. I was walking fast until I bumped into a hard chest.

"Watch where the fuck you going." Said the person who the chest belonged too.

"My bad." I said nonchalantly and slid past him. I really didn't feel like entertaining a asshole.

     Shortly after making it to my car I make my way to my sisters middle school. I pulled to the corner where we always meet to avoid traffic. Lauren quickly walked to the car, clearly she was mad about something.She hopped in the car and slammed the door with a attitude.

"Don't be slamming my doors Lauren." I said rolling my eyes and pulling off. She rolled her eyes in return.

"What's wrong with you?" I said slightly annoyed at her mood.

"I got another referral today." She said looking down at her shoes. I looked over at her Lauren looks older than her actual age and lately shes been acting older as well.

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