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Friday Night

Dinos was packed, their pizza wasn't any good but it was a cool hangout. The schools cliques were semi divided in the room with the exceptions of a few odd friend groups. At the front of the room the cheer coach sat at a decorated table adorned with colorful posters and fliers. Along with a cash box and signup sheets.

As the girls walked in Ms. Gianna greeted them from the table.

"Hey ladies! Welcome to our fundraising event for the semester. I have the sign up sheet here and it's 2 dollars for oldies and 3 dollars for newbies. Just not to vulgar."

"Thanks Ms.G we are just going to get a bite to eat first and then come back and sign up." Trinity replied. Gianna replied with a smile and nod as she continued to do her informing to the students behind them.

Traveling further through the room they finally found a vacant booth in the back. Immediately after they sat down a server approached them.

"Hello welcome to Dino's is there anything I can get started for you today?" She asked politely.The girls who were a little high were hungry despite the quality of the food. So they ended up ordering 4 personal pizzas, cinnamon rolls, and breadsticks. Slowly but surely the food came out all at once.

They devoured their food as all of their highs hit them different ways. Trinity and Angelina were giggling and cracking jokes nonstop at passion and her high revelations. Kehlani was just chill she felt loose like she didn't have the whole world on her shoulders.

The guys walked in and their presence was immediately noticed because of how loud they were. Jamila was with them and as soon as she noticed the girls her eyes lit up and she made a bee line for them. The guys followed her.

"Jamila!! Hey girl" Kehlani said giving her a hug.

"Hey lanii!" She said returning the hug and laughing at her excitement.

"Damn so fuck me huh?"Jamal said behind Jamila salty as hell.

"I'm sorry best" Kehlani said laughing as she gave him a big bear hug. Kehlani was usually sweet but right now she was being extra nice. Jamal cut his eyes at her and then looked towards their table and saw the empty pizza boxes.

"Y'all niggas done got Lani high." He said shaking his head. The rest of them looked like it finally made sense and started laughing. Melo shook his head he felt as though she was doing shit just to fit in although that wasn't the case.

"Don't worry bout us Jamal okay mind your business" Angelina said basically inhaling the last slice of pizza.

"Mhm whatever imma keep my eye on yall." He said as him and the guys pulled up some chairs to our table.

"Im so glad to get a break from being the only girl with them niggas, damn near drove me insane on the car ride over." Jamila said while signaling the waitress over. All of the girls laughed.

"Shut the fuck up Jamila"

"Suck my dick Jamal" the two bickered back and fourth while everyone else just laughed at their sibling petty ass arguments.
1hr later
"So you smoke now?" Melo asked as he slid into a empty seat next to Kehlani. They had been there for a little minute and the building began to crowd . The restaurant was packed as people laughed, ate, danced and sung their hearts out . The group had dispersed a bit but kehlani stayed seated enjoying the good vibes and the mellow of her high. She smiled looking at him .

"I thought I try something new, is that a problem sir?" She said slightly giggling.

"Nah ma, I'm just asking. You seem relaxed, good for you." He said leaning back and watching the setting as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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