Fu Wencheng was no stranger to this club nor to countless of other visitors. He was no stranger to the underworld; a person could even say that he reveled in it.

After all, this place could be considered his home - his birthplace.

Fu Wencheng was infamous in S City for his tantalizing looks and cold demeanor. It was unknown when he first came about and how he snuck his way into the hearts of many. No one knew who Wencheng was or his background, but it only added to his limitless charm.

Wencheng was a highly sought for commodity. He was just another object to be desired. 

He plucked at the heartstrings of numerous wealthy, important men and women. Wencheng used his beauty to control the so-called 'in love' individuals to do his bidding - all the while, they thought they were, in some way, unique or special to Fu Wencheng.

'How laughable.'

Whether or not they all found out about Wencheng's infidelity mattered little to Wencheng. After all, he was doing it for fun and it wasn't like he was afraid of losing everything he had, not even his own life.

One could say Fu Wencheng was a lax man - free of worldly desires and emotions.

The opposite could be said about the little beast that followed him around - a stalker so to speak.

Chao Heng.

While Fu Wencheng was infamous for his looks, Chao Heng was known for his utmost perseverance. He followed Wencheng like a loyal dog and warded off any human, dog, bird, squirrel, etc. within 10 feet. And similar to Wencheng, his background was just as mysterious. 

However, people did know one thing about him - he was the young master of the Chao family.

If Wencheng was found to be walking on the streets of C City, then Chao Heng would also be found lurking beside Wencheng.

Before Little Heng met dear Wencheng, he was a cold and devious man who spared no one. No person had even seen a single strand of hair from the man, much less his face. So when the little puppy who tailed Wencheng around was known to be the Chao heir, it shocked everyone. 

Wencheng was shocked to know that such a weak and little puppy turned out to be the Ice Prince.

The Ice Prince warded off all of Fu Wencheng's suitors and admirers. His entire presence was full of possessiveness for little Wencheng. 

Wencheng found Heng's pursuit to be quite interesting.

His interest stemmed from the fact that he even had one of his main suitors work behind the scenes to manipulate Chao industries' stocks to fall, but his suitor ended up in prison with millions of dollars of debt to pay off.

Just who was orchestrating Chao Industries?

Surely not the little puppy?

Fu Wencheng quickly cut ties with the suitor and went on his merry way. How karma hasn't made its way to one Fu Wencheng, no one knows.

Fu Wencheng's heart warmed as a smile graced his face.

'Interesting... Interesting... Interesting! I'm dying to know who is behind everything.'

So when Heng asked Wencheng for the nth time to go on a date, Wencheng finally said the magical word: yes.

Needless to say, Chao Heng was ecstatic. His spirit flew to the ninth heaven and back.


On their first date, they went to a small amusement park - much to Wencheng's chagrin. Chao Heng wasn't lacking in wealth, yet he took a beauty to a children's place.

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