Chapter 27

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(Y/N) walked into the classroom avoiding eye-contact with the older male. It would be quite awkward since she lived with him and had ice-cream together talking about each others lives even though Erwin didn't say as much. It would be weird acting like he is nothing more that her teacher as he was considered her parent from most people. Reiner ran up behind (Y/N), smacking into her trying to give a friendly scare. It only just agitated her because one of her books fell onto the ground and she just didn't feel like bending down to pick up the poor innocent book. Erwin's eyes snapped toward the sound of the book slapping the ground, silence filled the room as the students who were currently present in the room just look at Mr. Smith in shock. He was a unpredictable teacher and trying to argue with him was like arguing to a wall.

"Mr. Braun, detention with Mr. Zacharias after school." Erwin declared as he just blankly stared at the other blonde male.

Reiner, knowing what he just did knew that it wasn't really a punishment. Just an excuse to tell his parents and friends after school so he could attend to the meeting. He also knew that Erwin couldn't attend to the regular meeting after school since he said he was going to take (Y/N) to a hair stylist to give her a new hairstyle. Erwin stated that it was preparation for the time their plan would be in action.

"Oh well sorry Mr. Smith, (Y/N)." Reiner acted as he grabbed (Y/N)'s hand lead her to the desk they sat at in class.

Most of the class was just Erwin giving everyone individual work while he work on his computer. The only present sound in the classroom was Erwin's fingers clicking against his keyboard. Subliminal glances were sent towards (Y/N)'s way by Erwin as Reiner and Bertholdt had did the same. Erwin just continued to type and would rarely answer the students questions for help on their said math question. (Y/N) just fell asleep and Erwin did nothing about that, mentally noting that Hanji was right and not to tell her for future references.

Reiner was just being himself, drawing lude drawings on his notebook paper while Bertholdt suffered trying to erase the drawings before any of the other classmates could see. Reiner just continued smirking at the drawing of (Y/N), her head tilted back looking as if in pure ecstasy. Her body was terribly outlined although her nude parts were detailed with a single line or two. Reiner was behind her, her bare body also. He had a smirk on his muscular face as he had his bare thick hands on her hips. There was sweat coating their detailed bodies, (Y/N)'s breasts hanging down as it looked like from Bertholdt's view, Reiner slamming into her from behind. Bertholdt didn't know what to say about the drawing but just blush and try to speak, which only came out as a few silent stutters. Bertholdt dropped the 'Mono" eraser from his hand and just stared at the drawing, in result, having Reiner smirk knowing as he got to him.

"Would you like me to draw another picture, but instead with you."

Bertholdt started choking on his on spit and turned away to hide his face from the lookers of the class. Reiner could never really draw good, but there was a exception when he drew something inappropriate. (Y/N) looked back at the two males, her (E/C) hues captivating them on spot. Bertholdt ending up with getting detention too.

Mr. Zacharias's class was next and no one she knew was in there. She barely knew the teachers assistant, he seemed like a nice man. He was kind, caring, helpful of course, and very polite to the least that was what Mina said. Mina was the girl who sat next to (Y/N), they would only engage in a conversation when needed or asked of. Mr. Jinn would only talk to (Y/N), he didn't like working with other students as he would always let out this exhausted annoyed sigh when walking over to them. Everyone heard his sighs of annoyance so they decided to really only ask Mr. Zacharias or just not ask at all. Mr. Jinn was the friendliest man compared to Mr. Zacharias. He was nice and accepting towards the students, he encouraged them to ask questions while Mr. Zacharias just told them to figure it out themselves. He wasn't the best teacher, but the students learnt to just copy what he would do.

"Good Morning (Y/N), I see that you had a great morning with the smile that is adorned on your face." Mr. Jinn spoke while re-tying his hair up like how he usual would do.

"Yes actually! Nothing bad happened today, at least not yet though Mr. Jinn." (Y/N) chuckled as she walked over to her desk, placing her math notebook onto the her desk.

"Here, use this to clean your desk. You wouldn't want to get the other students germs on you, would you not?" He replied, giving her a Clorox rag from Mr. Zacharias's table making Miche grunt at him touching his wipes.

"Thank you Mr. Jinn!" (Y/N) said, gratefully taking the wipe from his much larger hand. Their skin brushed up against each other, as it made Eld shudder at the light skin ship.

"Hey (Y/N), I need to talk to you during lunch. Meet me in Mr. Dok's classroom."

"Why? He would be in his classroom if-"

"(Y/N) just do it. Okay." Mr. Jinn said before walking away back over to the front of the classroom by Miche.

(Y/N) was confused at the sudden demand, but decided to go along with it. It didn't mean that she wouldn't be on guard though as anything could happen. By the time everyone was in the classroom, Miche was already smelling around. His nose twitching every time he took a inhale.

"Haruka didn't I already tell you that perfume is prohibited in this classroom?" Miche said while glaring at the poor soul who sat in front of him.

"I-I'm s-s-s-sorry M-Mr. Zacharias!"

"Good. Detention with Mr. Ness, I hope you will learn your lesson in his classroom while listening to his rants about his pet raccoon."

"O-Okay Sir..."

(Y/N) snickered at her dumb action as Miche made it very obvious that he didn't like perfume ever since (Y/N) came to the school. He placed rules in the class, the number one rule wasn't to eat food in the class or use cellular devices. It was no perfume at all. He placed the rule on the door of the classroom, the board, and anywhere else that the students found appealing. No one knew why but only him and the members of the club. He didn't want (Y/N)'s scent tainted from a man-made scent, only if she wore it. He already had to deal with the other students scent, but adding more was just over the line for him. But Miche was known for being a weird teacher as he had a very peculiar nose, so everybody just went along with it.

When it was time to leave class, Miche made Haruka go to the restroom and wipe off where she had sprayed her perfume on. Even making her change into her gym clothes which were very short. Along with the white T-Shirt tat went on. He made sure to explain and cover up his excuse by telling her there are any people who are allergic to perfume and could have serious reactions to it. It made Haruka feel bad even more and cried in the bathroom for the mean deed she had just committed. She really hated being mean to people.

(Y/N) was on her way to Mr. Ackerman's classroom, Levi stood outside the door. His face was contorted in a tired yet angry stoic face, just the usual. Levi greeted the students along with (Y/N) with just a hum. He didn't want to make his attraction to the younger girl known throughout the school, nor the staff.

"Today we will be working in groups of two or three. Listen here Brats, if I catch any of you with more than three in a group...I will personally deal with you. Understand?"

"Yes Sir!" Replied the class.

"Tch. You will make a skit for the class, the skit is due two days from now. As always it will be in French since that is the purpose of this class. I really don't have any interest in your skits, all I will do is just grade the pronunciations. Now work." Levi growled.

"Hey (Y/N) want to be in our group?" Eren and Jean said they wore a strain smile. For some reason it looked force, maybe they ended up making up or something. Or maybe just acting.


Lunch time started and (Y/N) made her way down to Mr. Dok's classroom, she was afraid If the older male would be in there. He was scary when mad, although Levi was the scariest out of all. As soon as the door opened, Gunther and Eld were sitting down. Their faces in a serious expression as they looked like they were talking about something serious.

"Nice to see you (Y/N), let's get started."

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