Chapter 12

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(Y/N) walked out of the French class with her face red as a apple. It seriously looked very bad, like to were you would think she had a illness of some sort. Jean and Eren ran up to catch up with the female, still confused after what happened with Mr. Ackerman.

"What happened, tell me (Y/N) please!"

"I-I can't really...I'm not allowed to Eren!" (Y/N) said, replying to Eren's pleading.

Jean went up to Eren's ear and made sure (Y/N) wouldn't hear what was said.

"Eren let it go, we will hear about it at the meeting after school today. So just shut up." Jean said as he leaned away and gave (Y/N) a friendly smile.

"Anyway, I was going to have lunch with Marco. Would you like to have lunch us?" Jean asked.

"Yeah sure! See you later Eren." (Y/N) said before waving off Eren and following the horse-like boy.

Jean and (Y/N) walked in silence, but Jean was just happy with that not noticing the awkwardness in the air. He could just have a small moment to stare at the beautiful angelic girl. How her hair would shine from the dim school hallways light, how her (E/C) orcs would shimmer in excitement while walking the designed area, how she wore such a soft cute smile on the face he loved from his past life time.

"Jean, Jean? Hey are you awake, are you there, are you in space? If so, can you tell me what the moon looks like or something?!" (Y/N) said while shaking his arm.

"O-Oh yeah, um, I'm here. Sorry I zoned out a little bit, but I'm back. What did you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted to get to know you more, I only know so little about you. I really would like to be your friend!"

Jean was S H O O K. Like legit shook. She never ever wanted to know about him in his past life. All the lame pick-up lines, the weird haircut, and just him in general. His face flushed a bright pink reddish color and he stopped walking staring at the girl.

"U-Uh sure okay! I guess I kinda like French class even though I suck at the language, I like that class because I get to sit next to you...yeah I know pathetic right? I just think your a very pretty girl (Y/N) and any person who gets to be with you will be a lucky bastard." Jean said while looking at (Y/N) in front of him.

(Y/N) stood there in shock, no one ever called her pretty, let alone even really gave her attention. (Y/N)'s eyes started to tear up, little sniffles coming out here and then.

"Thank you Jean, no one has ever said something so k-kind to m-me!" (Y/N) said throwing herself at Jean.

Once again, Jean was surprised at her actions but soon immediately knew what to do, care fore her. Something he never got the chance to do in their past life. Jean wrapped his arms around the delicate girl and gave her a heart-warming hug. He loved how her body was smashed up against him, it felt serene, peaceful. His hand found it's way to her hair, giving her head a few light strokes and squishing her body closer to his.

"Don't cry (Y/N), it's okay, I'm here for you..." He said.

After a few moments, (Y/N) pulled away and smiled at Jean, thanking him with having to deal with a emotional girl like herself. Jean let it go and they finally made their way outside under a big English Oak Tree. There was Marco reading a book along with some homework. Once he spotted the duo, he placed all of his works down and gave them a wave and a smile.

"Hey (Y/N), Jean, where were you guys?" Marco asked as the two neared him.

"We went to a classroom to pick up a pencil (Y/N) forgot." Jean replied while rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh okay then. I've been waiting, I got up early to make lunch for the two of you!" Marco then pulled out two neatly wrapped lunches with labels of their names.

Jean's lunch consisted of a blue wrapped Furoshiki with his name written on a piece of plan French-White paper. His lunch mostly contained vegetables with a little bit of Kalbi beef to top it off. (Y/N)'s was a neatly wrapped silky hand-sewn red Furoshiki with her name written on a nice blue water-colored paper. Her bento contained Chicken Katsu with some Teriyaki Chicken. She had carrots, broccoli, and corn on the side. She then had slices of apples cut into cute bunny shapes top of with bunny designed food-picks.

"Since you didn't bring lunch with you today, I decided to make you a lunch as well. Do you like it? I can see why you wouldn't like it." Marco said as worry flashed upon his freckled face.

"Of course I like it Marco! You make better boxed lunch than I do. You make it so neat and nice, thank you Marco." Marco gave a small blush at her response.

"I wouldn't mind making you lunches everyday...I mean if you would like." Marco offered.

"That would be too much too ask of you Marco, I couldn't ask for such a thing!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"I would love to make lunches for you everyday, to see if my cooking is good! Please let me make you lunches, I could drop your lunch off every science period!"

"I-I guess it w-wouldn't hurt..."

"Yes! You won't regret this!"

(Y/N) sat down with Jean and began to eat their lunch. Marco waited in excitement to see their reactions to his home-cooked food. (Y/N)'s eyes sparkled as her face lit up in content after taking a bite of the food.

"Do you like it?" Marco asked although he already knew the answer.

"Of course I love it! It tastes amazing, your cooking is SO good." (Y/N) said before taking another bite of the bento.

Jean just watched, in the background really not caring about what they were saying, only the amazement in (Y/N)'s eyes. If only she could look at him with such amazement. Jean after a few minutes got a little jealous of the attention (Y/N) was giving Marco, so he decided to do something stupid.

"Hey (Y/N), did you clean your pants with Windex? I can practically see myself in them!" Jean said while giving one of those stupid grins of his.

"Ew Jean your disgusting!" (Y/N) said while taking off her blue-tipped school shoe and throwing it at him while laughing.

"Your laughing!" Jean said while pointing his finger to (Y/N).

Lunch went by fast as humor and lame pick-up jokes were used on each other. Lunch ended sadly and it was the last period of the day. (Y/N) went to History to see Ms. Ral having a conversation with Mr. Ackerman. Her face was tinted in a red hue while it looked like she was asking him for something. Mr. Ackerman must of rejected whatever she asked him as she frowned looking at his chest. He then turned aaround and began to walk out the door before he saw (Y/N) who was standing by the desk that was sitting by the doorway. His eyes widened and he gave a small blush before fast walking straight out of the door. Ms. Ral was not blind, she saw everything, and was she jealous. She looked at (Y/N) then turned around to walk back to her desk. Not giving the young female student a greeting or yet even a gesture.

Annie then walked in and gave a small 'Hello' to (Y/N). (Y/N) brushed off what she had witnessed and decided it was best to just sit down with Annie at their assigned seats. The History class went by with (Y/N), in the first half day-dreaming about what happened with her French teacher during class. Then with the second half of the class going by with Annie and (Y/N) passing notes to each other as they were bored with the lesson.

School ended with Petra dropping all of her white-board markers on the floor with no one helping her out in the end. Annie and (Y/N) packed up and decided to walk home together. Although they were going to have a mini-study session together at (Y/N)'s house because Annie needed help with English(eNgRiSh).

While in Hanji's classroom, a meeting began to start. Before anyone could began the discussion the door open to reveal a tall large figure at the door.

"It's nice of you to join us

"-Mr. Zacharias."

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