Good Oz ~2~

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Glinda's POV

"C' mon let's go!" I screamed in excitement as I grabbed Elphie's arm. I ran as fast as I could for the door. I was going to see THE. WIZARD. OF. OZ. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I was practically jumping out of my shoes. Of course, I wouldn't though since these were very pricey.

"Okay," Elphie giggled. Oh god, that laugh. It made me feel giddy and hopeful inside. Wait, was I... gay? No, I couldn't... I swear a few hours I loved Fiyero. But Elphie did look beautiful today... that flattering black dress, her long black hair that I just wanted to run my hands through... Glinda! Stop it! You're straight. Right? Maybe. I don't know.

We rushed out of the hotel, I swear there were wonders like I'd never seen. There was so much to do. Even better, it was all green. Then Elphie paused in her tracks. "What is it?" I asked as trying to urge her on to see a particularly intriguing store.

"I want to remember this moment for forever. Nobody's staring. Nobody's pointing. I finally feel like I fit in," She said looking in awe at the scenery before her. I reached for her hand without thinking and they both brushed against each other. I pulled my hand away a little being startled by the feeling. But her hands were softer than you'd think, honestly I wouldn't hesitate to just hold them forever. Glinda! What the heck! Maybe I am gay. I stared at Elphie for a solid moment. Everything about her was just.... perfect. The way the dress hugged her curves, her hair cascading over her whole torso, and her jade hue almost emitting a glow in contrast to the dark green of the Emerald City. Snap out of it!

"Elphie, come on! We'll be late for Wizimania!" I said as she turned around and nodded. We ran around the greenified land until we heard a loud voice.

"The Wizard will see you now!" A person in an emerald green outfit with yellow trim exclaimed. I knew it was time to finally meet the Wizard. Elphie looked even more ecstatic.

Elphaba's POV

I was looking at the world around me. All of it was green. I fit in perfectly. No one was mocking me for what I looked like. Finally! Then I felt a small but familiar feeling on my hand. It still surprised me so I quickly retracted my hand. It was Glinda's hand and I looked up at her even though she wasn't looking at me. I blushed a bit as I looked at her. She was in a beautiful yellow romper, flowy yet flattering. Glinda looked at me after a moment and she told me we had to leave to see more of the Emerald City. I guess that's reasonable because it was only one short day. Then I was suddenly called in to see the Wizard. I can't believe I'm going to talk to the Wizard of Oz. My whole life has led up to this moment and I was more excited than Glinda when she got her training wand. We walked into the huge castle, practically skipping in excitement. I was nervous but I had to be brave. We walked into the room where a big metal face lit up with a big roar of sound.

"Why are you here? What must you ask the Wizard of Oz?" It boomed as I backed up pushing Glinda back in a slightly protective manner. I was scared but I had to do something. "Uh, I'm Elphaba Thropp with my friend Glinda Uplan-" I was proceeding to back up and almost pressed against the wall. "Wait, Elphaba, is that you?" the face said. I slowly approached the face and a spiffy but old-ish man came out from behind. It was the Wizard. I finally got to speak to him about wanting to make good. Madame Morrible came in and handed me a book full of what looked like gibberish. I was told to try a spell or two. Preferably a levitation spell on a monkey named Chistery. I already felt bad for the poor thing because it was unable to speak. So I tried it out... and it worked?! He grew wings after a few moments of crying. I was really worried about him because all I was trying to do was good. They first seemed impressed until the Wizard revealed a cage full of monkeys. They had all grown wings and I looked in terror as I realize I was just tricked. I was scared. So I ran. I grabbed Glinda's arm and ran.

Glinda's POV

I didn't even get a second to blink until I noticed Elphie grabbing my arm and booking it out of there. We ran through a lot of flights of stairs until we couldn't find anymore. Elphie started pacing in desperation. Elphie blocked off the door momentarily with a broom she found. "Elphie! Why couldn't you stay calm for once without flying off the handle!" I screeched. I was about to rant more until Madame Morrible told of how Elphie was a wicked witch. We stood there in silence as we heard all of the lies she told all citizens of Oz. She cast a levitation spell on the broom and started becoming delusional. She wanted to escape on the broom. I was swirling through all of these thoughts when she got up and held out her broom.

"Get on," She demanded. "Together we'll be the greatest team they'll ever be." She held her broom out towards me waiting. At first, I was confused. I couldn't leave. I had my world here, my future, I couldn't just let that go. But I loved Elphaba. So I tried to get on but suddenly the Castle Guards came flooding in from the door. They grabbed me when I was just about to get a hand on that broom. I was dragged back and all the others went for Elphie.

"She has nothing to do with it! I'm the one you want! It's me!" She said taking off. I guess I'd have to make a living here. This is what I'd always wanted before right? I stared at her as she rose up into the air and hovered for a moment to look at me. Was she blushing at me? No. She couldn't. She wouldn't. She started to turn around to depart westward, but I couldn't leave her without anything. "Elphaba-" I called out. But she was already gone. She was nothing but a small speck of black getting smaller and smaller. Everyone was screaming and yelling at her that they'd kill her for everything she'd done. All I could do is hope.

Elphaba's POV

I was finally flying free. But what about Glinda? I think I like her. I miss her already. God, I wish I could go back but it's too late. I thought I heard her calling my name as I was leaving but maybe I was just imagining it. I felt the cool air against my face and it was refreshing. What would happen now? Where would I go? What about Nessa? I guess all I could do at this point was hope that everything would be okay. So I did, and I disappeared off into the Western sky. 

A/N: Oof, sorry for the little bit of a cliffhanger, but it's not the end I promise. Thanks for reading too! I love you all. 

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