hangover chapter 4

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"Why are you my clarity?"

Alexis's POV

I woke with a pounding "OW FUCK!" i scream bad idea made my head hurt worse

Author: idiot

Alexis: hey!

"What's wrong?" Devin asks

"My head hurts" i say annoyed

He laughs "yeah you were pretty durnk lastnight" he says through laughter

I get up take a shower i throw on a grey faded tshirt off my shoulder with black short shorts i slip on my combat boots straighten my hair apply my make up and before i head out

"Where are you going?" Devin asks

"Far away from you as possible" i say slamming the door

He sighs "she remembers"

《At Starbucks》

"Hi can i get a double shot espresso carmel medium" i say smiling

"Sure" a worker says smiling

I pay and wait for my order

"Alexis?" He asks

"Thank you" i say smiling

He winks "sure beautiful"

"Creep" i mumble under my breathe

I sit down and sip my coffee

"You look beautiful" camila says smiling

I smile "thanks"

"You okay?" she asks

"No i got fucked up lastnight and told Devin he was "sexy" i say annoyed

She laughs "you're upset about his girlfriend?" She asks

"Yeah i am and now he's confused on what he wants" i say annoyed

"Wow complicated stuff" she says

"Yeah he saved me from some creep lastnight" i say shrugging

"All i can say is wow" she says

"Yeah i know i don't even know what's happening" i say sighing


"Morning love" density says smiling

"Morning" devin says

"You okay?" She asks

"Yeah looking for my roommate" he says looking around Starbucks

"Is that her?" She asks

"Yep" he says getting up

《At our table》

"Umm lex?" Camila says

"What?" I ask

"Alexis?" Devin says

"What?" I snap

"I'm really sorry please don't be mad at me" he says

I get up and leave

"Alexis?" Camila asks

"No! Fuck that shit! He has a beautiful girlfriend he doesn't need me" i say leaving

I get in my car and drive to the shore that's near the campus i park my car get out and sit on the dock over looking the water thinking about everything

I sigh "i wish you were here to help me" i say looking at the sky

{You've unlocked a flashback lol}

Flashback 2 years ago》

My brother/bestfriend we were friends since we were in diapers his name? Collin

"Collin! Stop being funny" i say smiling

He laughs "no i love your laugh" he says smiling

Things were fine until one night he didn't come home i didn't find out until later that he was into heavy drugs and owed a lot of debt i get a knock on the door

"Are you alexis jackson?" An officer asks

"Yes is everything okay officer?" I ask

"I regret to inform you collin johnson was shot and killed in an allway" he says

My whole world stops and i collapse on the floor screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

"What happened?" I ask

"He was meeting a gang leader for drugs and he didn't pay his debt so they shot him" he says

《End of flashback》

I get angery "WHY?? WHY DID YOU DO THOSE STUPID DRUGS?? IF YOU DIDN'T THEN MAYBE YOU'D STILL BE HERE!" i scream and start crying "i miss you Collin" i say through the tears

I feel hands around me hugging me i know this touch from anywhere "devin"  i say crying he helps me up and i cry into his chest

"Who's collin?" He asks

"My brother/bestfriend" i say crying

He rubs my hair "he-did-those-stupid-drugs-and-it-killed-him" i say through the tears

"I had no idea I'm so sorry" he says

I sigh "it's not your fault is it?" I ask

"No it's not but still" he says smiling

I hit devin's chest "WHY? WHY DID HE LEAVE ME HERE ALONE???" i scream

Devin caresses my face and looks deep into my eyes and kisses me i kiss back he pulls me closer deepening the kiss i run my fingers through his camel brown hair his lips are so soft like omg can i do this all day??

We part i sigh "thanks" i say getting my car

"I need a ride i walked here" he says

"Get in" i say smiling

He does and we drive back to campus

A/N: hmmm see you in the next chapter :)

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