I'm hoping it's Luke. With the bad fog and off road, I took a risk. I stopped my car on the curb, closed my lights and waited for the car to pass by me. I need some sort of guide in front of me.

The car's lights got brighter and I was almost sure he'll pass without him noticing me. Boy I was wrong. The car stopped. I recognized Gabby's car. Luke rolled his window down and I did the same.

"What's wrong?"

I grabbed my tablet and scribbled a big 'foggy' word.

He nodded. "Don's guiding me" he pointed at his dash. Three small screens are attached on it. I can see maps, satellite view, and some sort of warning flashed on those screens.

My Chamelle is Luke's Don. These guys never failed to amaze me.

I gave him a thumbs up.

"Three guys are helping each other, Cent. They put down that bridge." He warned.


I signaled him to go ahead. "I need guide. Seems like you got clearer view of what's ahead"

He pursed his lips and nod. "Stay close" he said then rolled his windows up.

I pressed on the window button to get it rolling up then followed Luke. We didn't get far when my screen beeped again. Cars are close to me in an instant.

"Chamelle lost her signals" Big Shaq informed me.

Shiiit. How?

"You need to rely on Luke for a while. Something's wrong with our system. Be careful, Cent"

I scowled. Someone's messing with our signal.

For some reason, Luke decelerated and I did the same. What's wrong now?
I tried to focus ahead of us when a car bumped my rear. Wtf?!

I was bumped again. And then a car appeared beside me trying to get me out of the way. I fought for my spot outsmarting him when we reached a one way road. He crashed.

Luke honked. What does that even mean? I saw his hand waving. He wants me ahead of him?

I stepped on my gas, he moved to his right so I can pass through his left.

"Hi Cent. Im back. Here's your clearer view" Chamelle.

My screen was changed into a fogless and brighter way ahead of me. I didn't bother looking out my wind shield and focused on my screen.

I shifted pushing my car pass its limits.

"You guys are near the finish line. Five minutes"

I let out a sigh of relief but was cut when I heard a loud crash. Luke's fighting his way out of the two cars behind me. He's stuck in between.

"They're crashing Luke"

I hit my brake, reversed and shifted so I'm now facing them. I bumped one car to help Luke get back on his track. He bumped the other car then called out my name. "Cent, tara na! May baril sila!"

Oh wow.

I pulled my handbrake letting my car drift til Im facing Luke's rear again. We speed up .

"You're almost there. 1 minute!" I can hear desperation in Big Shaq'a voice.

I stopped breathing when I heard a gunshot. My side mirror was hit. Another gunshot and I noticed Luke's run was off. I'm sure he's not hit tho because none of his windows were broken. His tires... his tires were deflating. Fuck.

If he stopped, they won't kill him yeah? What if they will? Urgh!

"Twenty seconds Cent! Go on!"

Street lights are now in sight. One way ahead and I can't leave Luke behind me.

Luke honked. He's waving, signaling me to pass by him onto the one way ahead. Damn it. It's dangerous leaving him behind me.

Another gunshot. My window at the back shattered. My shoulder... the bullet was embedded in my shoulder.

Luke's car is slowly going for a stop. I still have some space to pass by his side but I need to get us out alive.

I bumped his rear sustaining my speed and pushed us both towards the finish line.

Continuous gunshot startled me and I have no idea whats their target. I just kept on stepping the gas, hard. Luke's nearing the finish line when my car crashed and rolled again and again.

I know I'm about to lose my conscious but I caught a sight of Luke's car. He's past the finish line. I smiled.

My mind went black after.

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