Chapter 11: USJ Attack

Start from the beginning

"Aghh," I yelped as I was punched in the stomach. The force pushed me back and I rolled into a pile of snow.

"This job is so easy. I mean seriously it's five against one," one of the villains said. I shakily got up and glared at him. I ran towards him dodging his attacks as I was dodging I touched his back and froze him up to his neck. 

"One," I said to myself. Another came at me, with daggers coming out of her wrists.

 Another came at me, with daggers coming out of her wrists

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(A/N- For reference, Scarlet Spider)

I stood in a fighting stance when she was about a few feet away I stomped my foot and split the ground. She fell in and began climbing back up, but I stopped her with my ice. 


The others popped out of a pile of snow and came speeding towards me I used my ice on two of them. 

"Three, Four" 

My left hand started glowing green and a hand came from the ground. I grabbed the last villain and I moved the hand closer to me.

"Tell me, how are you going to kill All Might?" I asked

"I won't tell," he said. I slowly closed my hand and the guy began screaming in pain.

"Tell me or I'll have to resort to breaking every bone in your body and as a hero, in training, I don't want to resort to it," I said.

"Ok, our leader has a weapon he calls, Nomu, that can put up a challenge for All Might," he said

"Anything, else," I asked

"No," he replied before screaming in pain again

"Don't lie," I said 

"I'm not lying," he said. I released my grip on him and ran towards the exit. When I left the Blizzard Zone I saw Yuna, Todoroki, All Might, and Midoriya. When I got to them, Yuna gave me a quick bear hug. I saw something from the corner of my eye and it was the weird bird creature. Half of its body was covered in ice it rose from a portal in the floor. 

The ice half of its body shattered and it kept trying to get up.

"How's is that thing still moving?" Midoriya asked

"Everyone stay back," All Might said, "I thought you said his power was shock absorption."

"That's not his only quirk he also has super regeneration," Hand-man said

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