"Barry picked it."

"Cisco picked it. I..."

"For real?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, I picked it," Barry says embarrassed. "I don't go out much. It had four stars on Yelp, so..."

We chuckle as Wally says, "Okay, fair enough."

"So who's this?" Jesse asks.

"This is Wally. He's my... foster, or step... adopted... My new... this is... he's my new friend," Barry finally says after struggling to place Wally.

"This is Jesse," Barry says, motioning to her as her watch starts beeping.

"Oh, hi," Jesse says as I pull her away from Barry a little to stop the beeping from happening again.

"Hey. So, Jesse, are you new in town?" Wally asks.

"Yeah, you could say that," Jesse answers as we nod.

"Yeah, me too. Are you from far away?" Wally asks.

"Like you wouldn't believe," She answers as we share a look. "Oh, you know what? Would you just excuse me? I just need to go powder my... watch."

"Mm-hmm," We chuckle as she leaves

"Hey, so I know I'm practically your brother, and I'm, like, half Jay's size, but you want to dance?" Cisco asks Caitlin. She agrees and they head to the dance floor together.

I turn to Barry. "Lets go dance," I say excitedly.


"Come on!" I say, pulling on his hand. I pout, batting my lashes as I use a baby voice to say the next word. "Please?"

Barry sighs, his fingers brushing mine. "Come on."

"I love you," I say with a grin.

"Don't I know it," He comments as we head over to the dance floor.


"So how's Wally doing?" Barry asks Iris as they come stand with me, drinks in their hands.

"Yeah, he's good; he's just diving into his schoolwork," Iris answers.

"Good. Yeah. I'm glad," Barry says.

"Oh, God," Iris says as we all look over to see Cisco dancing. We chuckle, watching him. "Promise me if you two ever get married, you will not do that dance at your wedding."

I lower my gaze giving her a smile, "Um, I- I'm gonna go get another drink," I say, walking away.

Once, getting my drink, I stay at the bar, waiting a while to let the wedding conversation die down. While, waiting and slowly sipping my drink, a familiar voice pulls me out of my thought.

"A Negroni," The voice says. My eyes follow the voice to see a familiar man. His eyes meet mine as he smirks at me.

"Gabriel Evans," I say with a smile.

"Olivia Wells," He says, winking at me. "It's been a while."

I nod. "Yes, it has... What are you doing here in Central City?" I ask as the bartender sets down his Negroni.

He picks it up taking a sip before saying, "Just closed a deal with an investor here. Our companies are merging."

"Wow," I say. "I thought you said you'd never let your company out of the family."

"Who says it is?" He asks. "I'm marrying their daughter."

My brows raise in shock. "And who'd have thought you'd finally settle down," I chuckle, taking a sip of my drink.

"You surely didn't," He says, with a smile.

"And I had good reason. You were out there, having sex with any college girl with an internship at your father's company," I tell him.

"Hey, you seemed to enjoy it, Miss. Internship," He mocks. I roll my eyes, a smirk playing on my lips.

"That was one time," I say. "A night out drinking with Oliver never leads to something good. It cost me that whole internship... Plus, I'll have you know, I have a boyfriend now."

"Wow," He says. "Is he the one? Or have you still got some of your commitment issues to work through?"

"I'm trying," I say, rolling my eyes. "I just-"

I am interrupted when a speedster runs past us. People fall to the ground and start screaming claiming it was The Flash and that their money had been stolen.

I watch as Gabriel pats down his pockets and says, "My wallet is gone."

I look around to meet eyes with Barry. We give each other a look and he runs out of the club.

 We give each other a look and he runs out of the club

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