Chapter 12.

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It's been a week and a half since I woke up, being forced to stay in this hospital in case of something happening to me from the crash sucks. But what sucks, even more, is that none of the band have come to visit me, apart from Mick. I've called Nikki multiple times, but no answer so I gave up.

Today, I finally get to leave this hospital and I couldn't be more grateful. Tommy was supposed to pick me up, but just as I expected... he didn't turn up. I walk up to the reception and tell the lady about Tommy not being here to pick me up and take me home, so she lets me sign myself out. I smile at the lady before walking away and step out of the hospital, the soft breeze hitting my skin.

Home sweet home, here I come.

* * * *

Tommy's P.O.V

"Guys, I fucked up!" I say, walking into the recording studio. Mick and Nikki look up from what they're doing and I hear Mick mumble something under his breath. "I was late to get Lili from the hospital and when I got there she was missing."

"What? Missing?" Nikki questions, seeming generally worried which is strange.

"Hold on, before we assume anything. Do you mean missing missing, or she wants at the hospital and probably just went home by herself?" Mick asks.

"Ummm...." I think about my answer. "The second option probably."

"Good, now that we've established that. Are we going to fucking do this or what?" Mick says, pointing to the song Nikki has written down.

"Yeah, I guess," I say and walk over to the piano, playing the tune of the song.

Suddenly, Vince walks through the door. "Yo," he says.

"What's up, dude?" I say.

"Hey, man."

I jump over Mick's legs, since he's got his feet on the table in front of him, and sit down on the couch, grabbing my guitar.

"I got, um, the lyrics. I made a couple of adjustments, but... I think you might like it" Nikki says, holding the song lyrics out to Vince.

"Home Sweet Home?"

"It's been too long, buddy," Nikki says. "Here. Have a bump with me." He holds out a pan with a line on it.

"I just got out of fucking jail," Vince says and Nikki starts plucking at his bass guitar strings awkwardly. Vince smiles and nods before snorting the line. He starts coughing and scatters to the rubbish bin, throwing up. "What the fuck what that?" He asks.

"That was smack" Nikki answers bluntly.

"You guys slip me smack, and I'm the fucking problem?" Vince kicks the table and all the empty, glass bottle of alcohol rock almost falling off the table. "Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I'm a monster. I killed Razzle and put Lili in hospital, yeah" he says. "Could have happened to any one of you!"

"Nice job, Nikki" Mick mutters, putting his shades back on as Vince storms out of the room.

* * * *

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