Winter Break Begans

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I woke up this morning feeling happy.Knowing today is mine and Hayden's date today!But then again today is the last day to hang out.Then winter brake begans.Well that sucks.I got up and took a quick shower.I did my makeup,but not light.Which I'm suprised.Then I changed in my outfit.

Then I changed in my outfit

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Her Outfit ^^^

I grabbed my stuff and head downstairs.As I go down I see the boys?

Annie:Oh,hey guys!
Annie:Hello Girls.
Annie:I didn't know you guys would be here.
Johnny:It's the last day to hangout with each other.So we have to spend this day together.Except at night.It's couples night.
Connor:-looks at Jayden-
Annie:Oh okay.Well you people better saved me some food.I'm hungry.
Joey:Umm I think there's no more. -points at Hayden's plate-
Hayden:What?My plate is fine. -eats-
Lauren:No,your plate speaks help me I'm about to be in an ogre's stomach.
Hayden:Well that's rude.
Annie:-walks over to Hayden- Share. -grabs bacon and eats it-
Hayden:-jaw drops- That's my bacon!
Annie:Not anymore. -grins-
Hayden:Oh yeah? -walks up to her-
Annie:-laughs and runs upstairs-
Hayden:-runs upstairs-

I ran to my room and Hayden followed.He closes the door and locks it.

Annie:Come. -pats on bed-
Hayden:-lays down-
Annie:I'm excited. -looks at Hayden-
Hayden:I am too. -looks at Annie-
Annie:Is it gonna be a picnic?
Annie:I have the perfect dressers. -smirks-
Hayden:-chuckles and looks at Annie's lips- You know your perfect right?
Hayden:You know your gonna be my baby momma after today right?
Hayden:-smirks- Sorry can't help myself.
Annie:-sits on Hayden's chest- Me neither. -kisses-

He kissed back passionately.It felt amazing.As we were kissing his tongue licked my lip for entry,so I let him.And boom.Our tounges were dancing. (🥴) We continued to make out for 10 minutes when there was a knock at the door.

Annie:-stops and breathes heavily- Yea?
Kenzie:I hate to ruin whatever you guys are doing but it's time to go.
Annie:K will be out in a minute.
Kenzie:Alright. -leaves-
Annie:-looks at Hayden-
Hayden:I wanna continue. -whines-
Annie:Me too. But we can continue for later? -smirks-
Hayden:I'd love that. -smirks-
Annie:-laugh and pecks lips-
Annie:-kisses back then pulls away- Really? -gets off him-
Hayden:Sorry your just hot and I had too. -gets up-
Annie:-laughs and opens door-

As we leave,you know Hayden.He grabbed my ass and I just turned around and looked at him.We head downstairs and we see everyone looking at us.

Joey:I love those hickeys Hayden.
Lauren:Your hickey's are very lovely,did the ogre want to eat you?
Hayden:Ha ha ha Lauren.
Kenzie:OH SHIT!
Johnny:Babe!What's wrong?!
Kenzie:Were late!
Annie:-checks time- Oh fuck. Well bye! -grabs bag-

Everyone began to grab their stuff and we all walked out.


1st period: Annie,Hayden,Connor,Carson,Johnny,Kenzie.

Teacher:Okay class,since it's the last day before winter break,we're gonna do an assignment,then have the rest of the period off.So when you get a stack of paper please pass it up.
Annie:So what are you guys doing for "couples night".
Kenzie:Uhh,I'm gonna have a beautiful night with Johnny in my bedroom.
Johnny:Why did you say it like that? We're gonna have se-
Annie:Ew no,next.
Johnny:No,your doing nothing with my sister.
Carson:Oh come on!
Johnny:Nope. -smiles-
Carson:Fine. -rolls eyes-
Connor:In bed.
Annie:Can you at least talk to her?
Connor:I'll try.
Annie:Well,I'm gonna go on a  date.
Hayden:Johnny,Carson and Connor know.
Johnny:I didn't even know you can go there.


Annie: I'm gonna go to the bathroom. -gets up and walks away-
Hayden:What's wrong with her?
Kenzie:I mean,she wasn't like this homeroom and 2nd period.
Hayden:I'm gonna go talk to her. -walks away-


I knew Annie wasn't going to the bathroom.She was going to our spot.The roof.I walk out of the cafeteria and head to the janitors office.There,was the entrance of the roof.As I head up I see my beautiful Annie.


3rd period I got a text.Someone blacked mailed me that if I didn't stop hanging out with Hayden,he/she would hurt me and Hayden.And I don't want him to get hurt to.I'll probably not even go to our date.At lunch,I decided to avoid Hayden by going to our spot.I know it was a bad idea but oh well.

Annie:I'm going to the bathroom. -gets up and walks away-

I get up and walk to the janitors closet.


Hayden:Hey. -sits next to her-
Annie:-ignores and continues to look at view-
Hayden: -sighs-
Annie:-gets up and hides to another place-
Hayden:Come on. -gets up and follows her-
Annie:-continues to ignore-
Hayden:Princess -hugs from behind-

"Princess" . He whispered those words in my ear and it give me chills.Wait.I have to avoid him.

Annie:-gets out of his grip-
Hayden:Princess ,what's wrong?
Annie:-tears up- Don't call me that!
Hayden:Why not?
Annie:We aren't dating!
Hayden:I mean after today we are.
Annie:I'm not going on that date.
Hayden:What! You wanted to go on that date and you don't wanna go?!
Annie:-crys- Hayden...
Hayden:-hugs- What's wrong babygirl?
Annie:-crys- I'm g-getting blacked mailed. They said if I d-didn't stop hanging out with you,their g-gonna hurt me and you.
Hayden:Listen to me,no one is gonna touch you and me.Especially you Okay?
Annie:-crys a little- Okay.Are you sure?
Hayden:Yes I'm sure.
Annie:-stops crying- You know what I said about the date,I'm still going.
Hayden:-laughs- I knew you were.I know when you lie.
Hayden:-smiles- Do you wanna go back?
Annie:Sure. -smiles-
Hayden:-pulls away from hug- Okay come on.


Kenzie:Well that's one long bathroom break.-smirks-
Annie:-giggles- Nothing happened.


New message from "Unknown".

End Of Chapter

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