Speak Nothing But The Truth To Her

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Carson:No,I don't regret it.
Johnny:Take that back Lueders.
Carson:Why?She cheated on me.
Johnny:She was drunk.
Carson:That doesn't mean anything.

Johnny:You know,I can't believe I let you date my sister dude.I can't believe I gave you a chance to date her.Your nothing but just a dick.I hate seeing my sister like this.She already shut out her friends,what's next she shut's me out?She shut's out my family?-tears up-She believes in me Carson.The only reason why we both come home late from school is because I talk to my sister.She talks to me.She tell's me how much she misses you,she tell's me how much she regretted drinking that night.She cry's to me Carson.I don't like my new sister.I want the funny and annoying little sister back Carson.But no You changed her.I don't want her to be in her room all day on Christmas break.I want her to be with my family.I just want her back. -crys-

Kenzie:-pulls Johnny into a hug-
Carson:-wipes tears- I'll figure it out.

Kenzie and Johnny were talking,so we're Connor and Carson.It was just me and Hayden.I took out my phone and decided to take pictures.


Annie:So what are guys gonna do over Christmas brake?
Kenzie:My sister and her boyfriend are gonna be at my house.
Jayden:I'm going with my grandma.
Indiana:I'm gonna spend time with my family.
Johnny:Spend more time with Lauren and my family.
Hayden:Gonna see my 3 brothers.
Carson:Gonna go see my newborn brother.
Connor:I don't know yet.
Joey:I'm gonna see my friends.
Johnny:Me and Lauren live in Canada.
Hayden:I live in here!
Annie:I recently moved here from Maryland.
Joey:I live in Calabases.
Carson:Hey Lauren,can I talk to you?
Lauren:-looks at Johnny-
Johnny:Speak only but the truth to her.
Carson:Alright. -walks away with Lauren-
Annie:As I was saying we sh-
Hayden:What? -rolls eyes-
Danielle: -kisses-
Annie:I'm gonna go get air. -walks away-

I walked away and I heard Hayden say my name.I turn back and he pushes her away.I turn back around and opened the cafeteria doors.

Hayden:Annie Wait!
Annie:Hayden go back to the cafeteria.
Hayden:Annie please. -grabs wrist-
Annie:What Hayden! -lets go- You want me to sit there and watch her put her tounge down your throat?
Hayden:Annie,I don't kiss back.
Annie:I know you don't.But what happen's when we date?Is she still gonna do that?
Hayden:I'll push her off.
Annie:It's not that Hayden.I don't want her to be around you anymore.
Hayden:-hugs- I'll promise to say something every time she comes near me okay?
Annie:I'd like that. -smiles-
Hayden:-pulls away- What do you want to do?
Annie:Let's Skip our last period and go to our spot?
Hayden:Let's go. -runs off-
Annie:Hey! -runs off-


Annie:It's amazing here. -looks at view-
Hayden:It's amazing as you thats for a fact.
Annie:-laughs- So,you never told me you lived here.
Hayden:Yea,it's my hometown.One of my brother's live Texas.
Annie:Do you sometimes go there?
Hayden:When I want too.
Annie:That's Cool.
Hayden:Yea. -smirks-
Annie:-chuckles- Can I get 2 hints on where we going for our date?
Hayden:Okay. 1),I like to go there to think. 2) It's a picnic
Annie:The park?
Hayden:No,something better actually.
Annie:Do I dress fancy?
Hayden:Nah,casual.So you can wear like ski-
Annie:Summerall! Really?
Annie:But now that you mentioned,mabye I will.
Hayden:I like this Annie. -smirks-
Annie:-laughs- I like soft Hayden.
Hayden:I can be soft if you want me too.
Annie:Then be soft everyday.
Hayden:I'll be soft and overprotective.
Annie:Deal. -laughs-

The rest of  "period",we goofed around and  well we totally didn't make make out. ;) . Right after it hit 2:30 we left and went to our houses.

Annie:This is my stop. -smiles and laughs-
Hayden:Do you have to leave? -whines-
Annie:Yes I do,but don't worry.We can call today.
Hayden:Yes! -smiles-
Hayden: -kisses-
Annie: -kisses back then pulls away-
Annie:-waves and goes inside-

As I open the door,I see the girls acting strange.

Annie:Hi girls.
Kenzie:Hey Annie.
Jayden:We were totally not spying on you and Hayden. -smiles-
Girls expect Annie:Jayden!
Indiana:I mean when is he gonna ask you out?Its been so long!
Annie:Were going out on Friday,and when is Joey gonna ask you out?
Girls except Indiana:Ooooooo
Annie:-laughs and put bag down- Where's Lauren?
Lauren:-runs downstairs- Right here. -smiles-
Annie:Lauren! -runs and hugs her-
Lauren:Let me go,I can't breathe.
Annie:I'm sorry. -laughs- I'm glad your back.
Lauren:Yeah.Carson forgived me and we're back together.He let out his feelings to me.He said something about Johnny being right.
Annie:Yea me and Kenzie were there.He gave him a long speech telling him why he wants his funny and annoying little sister back.
Lauren:Well I'm back. -smiles-
Annie:Yay!! I'm happy. -jumps around-
Annie:Hey,who wants my mom famous home made pizza?!
All:Me me !
Annie:Okay And who wants to help?!
All: Me me !!!
Annie:Well get your asses off the couch and come: -laughs-

End Of Chapter💜
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