Main story 1

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"Keep up if you can!"
"Slow down Atem! We're going to far!"

The young prince flashed a fanged grin at the girl racing to keep up with him. Being two years older than his friend made a big difference in their swimming speed and he wasn't even at his max. "Come on Mana! You'll never get stronger if you don't put your all into it!"

"I'm trying." The girl whimpered as her lower body ached and burned. Tiny tears bubbled at her eyes and floated behind her. Atem sighed at the sight and slowed. If there was one thing he couldn't stand, it was tears. Mana rubbed at her eyes to hide the bubbles and sniffed to hold in a cry.

"I wanna go back. My tummy hurts." She wined.

Atem swam to her and took her hand. The water moved the chocolate brown of Mana's hair to her face but Atem moved it back. "Hey, it's okay Mana. Look," he pointed a finger up to broader of their world, "we're nearly at the surface."

"But Mahad said that we're not supposed to go up there till we're older and even then, we need special permission from your dad."

"It'll be real quick Mana! I've done this penalty of times before. Do you see that dark spot?"

Mana looked up and winced at the sun's light that glittered the wavy sky of her home. She stared till she saw a round dark spot that had a long tail dropping down to hold it in place. School had taught her about boats but not this weird human thing. "What is it?" She asked, forgetting about her pain for a moment.

Atem crossed his arms and puffed out his chest smugly as he explained, "It's a special human marker that both humans and boast stay away from! Once we pass that there is a pile of rocks where, we can hide, and watch humans play on the shore." He thought that Mana would be impress but the girl's olive-green eyes widen with fear.

"I want to go home."

"Mana, I promise that it's safe!" Atem said panicking that she would tell his father. "You said you wanted to know where I've been going!"

"I don't know it was to the surface." She said hugging herself. "And there'll be humans."

The young merchildren floated in the water as a school of fish passed by under them. School. That's where they should be right now, but Atem had gotten her up early saying that they'll be back before anyone would miss them. She doubted that would be the case but maybe if she headed back now, she could still make parts of her lessons.

"Go back if you want." Atem finally said. "I'm going up to take a peek."

"But I don't know the way home!"

The merboy shrugged saying, "Then stay here and wait till I get back. I won't be long." Mana was about to say something when he took off.

Atem swam a few feet before looking back to see that Mana was following him. Grinning he looked forward and swam faster to make up for the lost time. The light of the sky was shooting down so half the day was already gone. If he wanted to make it back home before dark with Mana, he was going to have to make this trip to the surface a quick one. By the time they made it the rocks Mana was panting and aching again. She grabbed onto the side of the pile and pulled herself against it to rest. Atem waited for Mana to catch her breath as he explained how to surface without being seen. Mana listen but soon her poor heart quicken at the danger.

"I don't think I can do it." She said with fresh tears.
Atem smiled down at her and took her hand. "Of course, you can. We'll surface together."
"Mana, you want to serve in the royal council, right?"
"Yes, but what- "
"Anyone who wants to apply has to be able to surface so you might as well do it now. Think of it as practice."

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