Bad Blood

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[Holy SHEEETTT , new update!! :OOO I really don't have an excuse for abandoning this story, so I'll just hang my head in shame and hope you like this update xD]

Jordan paced around the length of his room for what felt like, and probably was, the millionth time, mumbling to himself and filling his head with hateful thoughts towards Pete Wentz. Pete. The guy who had signed Jrodan to Decaydance Records in the first place. Pete, Mr. "I'll never put you in an uncomfortable situation", Mr. "If there's a problem, just let me know". And now he pulls crap like this. On top of having only three weeks to finish an entire album, Jordan had to leave for a two month tour the week after the album deadline. And he was being forced to tour with Falling in Reverse. Upon hearing this, Jordan had been so angry with Pete that he stormed out of the meeting before hearing any of the other bands he was touring with. It didn't matter who they were anyway, all that mattered was that Jordan had no choice but to spend two months with Ronnie Radke. In the middle of his bitter mumbling and hateful thoughts, Jordan heard the front door open and close. He continued his pacing as he heard someone run up the stairs, open his door, and bounce into his room.

"He-lloooo!" called Alyssa, tossing her sweatshirt onto his bed and going over to get her hello hug and kiss. She watched with amusement as Jordan paced for a couple more minutes, denying her existence. Then, when his back was turned to her, she grabbed the hood of his sweatshirt and pulled him back, causing him to make a startled sort of noise in the back of his throat. He turned to look at her, not even a flicker of amusement going through his deep blue eyes.

"Was that really neccessary?" he asked, reclaiming his hood and going back to his pacing.

"Well, kind of," Alyssa answered, standing in his path as he turned. "What's wrong? You only pace when your stressed." Jordan silently cursed the fact that she knew him so well. He had been planning to wait until he was calmer to tell her, but he supposed it was a "the sooner the better" sort of situation."

"I'm sorry, it's just .." He didn't exactly know how to say he was going to be spending two months with a man he wanted dead without practically exploding. "Do you wanna sit?" He gestured to the bed. Alyssa slowly sank down onto the bed and was quickly joined by her boyfriend.

"Now what's bugging you?" she pestered, taking Jordan's hand. He sighed.

"It's .. I don't .. at the meeting .." Alyssa looked a bit concerened, and Jordan silently willed himself to just spit it out. "Pete's arranged a two month tour. I leave in four weeks." Alyssa took a moment to retain what he said, then looked alarmed.

"So ... So I won't get to see you for two months?" She squeaked. Jordan could see tears forming in her eyes.

"No, no, it's not that," he assured her, using his thumb to wipe away a tear that had started to roll down her cheek. "Pete said you could come with us, if you wanted to. The bad part is who I'm touring with. It's.." -Jordan even cringed as he said the name- "Ronnie Radke."

Alyssa looked confused.

"I don't see the problem here." Jordan sighed, letting go of his girlfriend's hand and standing again.

"There's .. there's some bad blood between me and Ronnie," he explained as he started pacing again. Alyssa remained on the bed and looked at him as if she was waiting for him to explain.


"We play rock music, with some screaming, done by yours truly," explained the tall, black haired man walking next to Jordan explained to him. "I didn't really expect you to have heard of us before, to be honest. I've listened to some of your stuff, and the kind of music we do doesn't really seem like your thing."

Jordan nodded in agreement. So far he liked Ronnie Radke, who, as he just explained to Jordan, was the singer of a band called Falling in Reverse, which Jordan had never heard of. Of course, Jordan hadn't met the guy until a couple of hours ago. All he knew about him was that he could sing and scream, this wasn't his first tour, though it was Jordan's, and he had a pretty bad history with drugs, but was supposedly clean now. As they neared Jordan's tour bus, which was a pretty far walk from Ronnie's, he looked at Ronnie and said,

"Well, it was really cool meeting you, but I'm pretty religious about resting up before shows." He gestured to the bus. "But, ah, I'll see you at the show tonight?" Ronnie nodded and grinned at Jordan as he turned for the bus, and waved as he disappeared fully.

As Jordan entered the tour bus, he was greeted with a chorus of, "Die bitch, DIE!" and "CHEATER!  YOU TOTALLY FUCKING CHEATED!" coming from the back room. He supposed he should go see what was going on, and when he got there he saw Deryck and Travis pretty much at each other's throats over some bloody shooting game they were playing on the XBox 360 that came in the tour bus.

"Hey," Jordan started as he threw himself down onto the couch to watch the entertainment in front of him. "Where's Andy?" Deryck shrugged as Travis said,

"Some bass player from another band called, uh, Falling in something came and asked if we wanted to hang out for a little bit before the show. Andy went with him." Jordan nodded and watched as the two band members continued to shoot each other's character and yell brutal obcenities at each other.


After about two hours of watching Deryck and Travis, Jordan couldn't take it anymore, and went off the bus to go find Andy. When he arrived at Falling in Reverse's bus and knocked, he could hear a bunch of guys laughing obnoxiously inside. When a guy Jordan didn't recognize opened the door for him and invited him in, he noticed that the guy seemed a little too happy.

"I'm .. just here for my friend," Jordan explained to the smiling man, who then directed him towards the back room.

"See, it's really easy, and it feels awesome," Jordan could hear Ronnie explaining. He looked into the room and saw Ronnie and Andy next to each other by a long table, Ronnie holding a straw in one hand. On the table. Jordan could see a line of white going from one side to the other, and Andy, who also held a straw. Looking a bit unsure of himself, he slowly started bending towards the white line on the table. That's when Jordan ran in.

"Andy! What the FUCK?" Andy jumped when he heard Jordan, the straw flying out of his hand. "What are you DOING?" Andy said nothing, just looked guiltily from Jordan, to the table, to Ronnie. Jordan looked at Ronnie, who had a smudge of white on his cheek and the too-happy look plastered on his face that matched the one's his bandmates had. Now he understood. They were all fucking high.

"Andy, what the fuck!?" Jordan asked again, glaring at his friend. "You know how bad this stuff is. Andy, Ellie threatened to leave you if you didn't stop smoking, you think she's gonna like THIS?" Ronnie clapped a hand down onto Jordan's shoulder.

"C'mon man!" He cooed, offering a straw to Jordan. "It's fun!"

"FUN?!" Jordan slapped the straw from Ronnie's hand. "People DIE from this stuff, and this is what you do for FUN?!" He stormed out of the back room and off of the bus entirely, relieved when he heard Andy walking behind him.

"Jordan, I .. I'm so .. so sorry," Andy said quietly as he caught up with his bandmate. "Really .."

Jordan looked sympathetically at his friend.

"Everyone has a stupid moment in their life, Andy. It's all good." Andy nodded and kept his eyes on the ground.

Sure, Jordan had forgiven his friend, but he could never, ever, EVER forgive Ronnie for almost ruining the life of one of his best friends.

[OKAY SO this was written really fast, but next update will be better, and YES, there will be more. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH <3 <3 and i hope you liked!]

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