A War With Two Fronts

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“Ah… you are in luck then, Lady Ming… he is just right behind me.” He said and soon enough, Ye Zun was there, gently talking with Lady Shin, which just like her, had a blush faintly painted in her cheeks.

“Lord Zun…” She gave him a respectful bow. “I was in a rush to meet you. I had good news for you my Lord, about the hunting of the Shadows.” She said.

“Then come, we were about to leave to the east… it's where the last case of the sickness came from. With luck, we may find a clue of how to find them.” Ye Zun said, a bit tired.

“My Lord, we should head to the Sage Clan, I was in the archive room just now and found information of the Shadows in one of the oldest scrolls. Please have a look…” She said, giving the Prince the paper in which she had wrote the information. Ye Zun read it at once and smiled.

“Ah, Ming you did very well. Very well indeed. I will make sure that father rewards you greatly for this. I will talk with the Sage leader as soon as we are ready to go, in this times of crisis, I’m sure he will not deny us the help. His clan had fall into the sickness too, after all… come, I will ask father to grant us permission first, then we go.” Shin arched an eyebrow and moved her head at one side in confusion.

“Ming, what did you find?” Shin asked, a bit worry about what her finding could mean for her Prince. She loved him so much and was always at the edge when he goes out to do a dangerous job outside the palace.

“We know now who can find the Shadows. Don’t worry, it will be fine, the Prince is also strong.” Ming assure her with a soft smile.

“Then I will go with you.” Shin offered, but Ye Zun came closer and hug her tenderly.

“I’m sorry, Shin… I know you are a good fire fighter, but you were sick a few days ago and are still recovering, so you stay home and look after father for me.” Ye whisper to her.

“But…” What was she going to said next was left unsaid, as Ye Zun kiss her. It was a soft kiss, because they were not alone and both Ming and Zhi Long were looking elsewhere to not stare and get embarrass of the caring moment between obvious lovers. Long approached Ming, while the lovers kissed and came to whisper to her ear.

“Can I go too?” She blushed.

“You are supervising the new medicine…”

“But your healers are well train and are doing it just fine on they own. My Clan needs to hear about this too, so they can hunt the Shadows in our territory as well.”

“This is not a secret, you can sent a message to your Clan leaders at any moment.”

“But what if I want to go? I may be of help and it will be good to learn how to hunt down Shadows.” Ming face was about to melt.

“It’s not my decision to make.” Zhi Long smiled.

“You are cute.” He said, enjoying her embarrassment.

“He can come, if he truly wish it. He is not a Fire Clan member, so he can go whatever he think will be best for the good of his people. I’m sure Shen Wei will had said the same…” Ye Zun said with a bit of nostalgia.

“Ah, Lord Wei… he truly is well loved by his brother and Clan. I hope all of them are doing fine out there.” Zhi said, hoping Zhu Hong was also doing fine on her way to save their Clans.

“I’m sure they are alive and well… Shen Wei is still fighting back, I know he is.” Ye Zun said with confidence, because he would have known if something had happen to his brother, their link was as strong as ever.

-Shen Wei-

They make haste trough the Furies territory, avoiding their hunting tertitories and with two less members of their team. Shen Wei could detect Furies from miles away, sensing their fires moving around the rocky land, so there was no need for Zhu Hong and Da Qing, to join them.

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