iris meta trafficking

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credit to @eccyuk for this idea

Prompt: Iris finds out about a group of criminals meeting somewhere to talk about meta human trafficking so she follows one of them to a strip club where the meeting is taking place and loses sight of them, only finding her self forced to dance at the strip club

Team Flash had just discovered about meta human trafficking taking place underground in Central City. This has been going on for over a year although, it completely blew over their heads since this is new news. From the information that the new Wells has gathered up, it is pretty clear that there are 15 meta girls and 15 meta guys. The meta girls are victims of sex trafficking and are slowly being drained of their power. The meta guys are being physically beat up near death and are also being drained of their power. The team is currently debating on whether to save the girls or the guys first since the girls are taken captive at a strip club while, the guys are held at some bar.

"We save the girls because sex trafficking is very serious, and I'll need to run many tests on them." Caitlin stated.

"What no! If we saved the guys first you would still need to run tests on them since they are being BEAT TO DEATH!" Cisco shot back, dramatically.

"Sex trafficking is traumatizing and these guys are taking advantage of these girls right now. So we need to save them." Caitlin said strongly, narrowing her eyes.

"Being beat to death is just as serious and these guys can die at any moment Caitlin!" Cisco shouted, crossing his hands.

"So are you saying that sexual abuse isn't important?" Caitlin questioned raising an eyebrow.

"What, no! Sexual abuse is very important and it should be attended to immediately. Although, being beat to near death brings death a lot more closer than sexual abuse. SO, we should quickly save the guys and then the girls." Cisco babbled looking around for help from anyone else.

"Okay okay, if you are in for the boys being saved first raise your hand. If you are in for the girls being saved first put your finger on your nose." Ralph Dibney said, trying to resolve this never ending conflict.

"No guys! Are you listening to your selves, why are we prioritizing one group over the other when we can split up and go to both of them at once?" Iris yelled over all this chaos.

"I mean Iris that is true but what groups are we going to split the team into?" Barry questioned.

"Since it is easier to get past security at the strip club as a girl, I will go there. Caitlin and Ralph can guide me through the coms. On the flip side, it is easy to get into that bar as a guy so Barry will go with Wells while Cisco is on the coms." Iris explained, everyone nodded their heads agreeing to Iris's statement except for Barry of course.

"No Iris- I need to be there with you. That place is extremely dangerous, I can't afford to loose you." Barry states touching Iris's face with his finger tips, admiring her confidence and beauty.

"Baby, I will be okay. If something happens to me, Ralph and Caitlin will be on the coms and I have an emergency button on my belt so you can be there in a flash." Iris smiles, giving a soft kiss on Barry's lips.

"Okay fine but if anything happens to Iris, Ralph you are dead to me." Barry states giving a death stare directed straight towards Ralph. Ralph raised both of his hands in the air and looked around helpless for support.

Barry, Wells, and Cisco were covering their bar situation while the other half of the team was handling the strip club. Ralph and Caitlin stayed at the lab and discussed the plan with Iris on the coms.

"Iris are you sure you're okay with this? I can go the strip club, they already know me there. I am one of their favorite guests." Ralph suggested but Iris shook her head.

"No Ralph, I have a purpose on this team too. I got this, whenever I need help I'll turn on the coms or press the emergency button on my belt. While I free the girls at the strip club, bring the big truck around there so we can have the girls get taken to the lab safely." Iris stated as she put on her coat and left.

Underneath her coat, Iris wore a gold sequined bra and underwear. She can't into the strip club without looking like a stripper. She walked down the stairs that led to the metro station. Instead of taking a right turn at the metro station she took a left turn and stood in front of two body guards that were blocking a red door.

"Miss, who are you?" One of the body guards questioned.

"I am one of the strippers at the club." Iris states, partially sliding off her coat to reveal the golden bikini.

"My bad ma'am, right this way." The body guard stated. He opened the door which immediately reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. Iris's heart thumped almost out of her chest as she walked around the strip club, pretending to know what she was doing. She was scanning her surroundings, where would the girls being trafficked even be? Iris slid into the back stage door, making sure that no one in the club saw. Iris went through 3 doors in the back stage hall, but still no sign of the girls. Until she heard screaming from one of the red doors. Iris followed the noise and peeped through the small hole in the middle of the door. It appeared to be 14 girls chained to the wall. They all had rags in their mouths and tears were falling down their faces. Their pain was so strong, Iris could feel her self getting queasy and shaking at this horrific sight. Although, that wasn't it. The other girl was being whipped by a belt countless times by some body guard. Oh how Iris wanted to go in there and save that girl although, she knew she had to wait until the body guard left. He looked like a body builder and no doubt, he can call for back up and trap Iris. While the body guard was still in there, Iris decided to be productive and looked around for a passage way to lead the girls out when she freed them. Iris found a blue door that led out to the streets and momentarily turned on her coms to inform Caitlin and Ralph to bring the truck at that street.

The body guard finally left after 5 minutes and Iris silently sneaked into the door before it locked shut.

"Alright, girls I'm going to get you out of here. Go out the blue door that leads to the streets. My two friends are in the truck and will lead you to Star Labs where we will run tests to ensure you are okay and teach you how to use your meta abilities." Iris whispered as she started unchaining the girls by using the freeze ray to shatter the chains. Soon enough, after 2 minutes Iris had all the girls unchained. 12 of the the girls went through the blue door. As Iris and the 3 girls were making their way towards the blue door, steps were approaching their way.

"Quick! You two girls carry her since she just got beat really badly. Run to the truck and tell my friends I will come soon. Tell them to go to the lab and I'll make it there some other way. I'm going to go distract who ever is coming this way." Iris whispered as she shoved the girls towards the blue door.

"The men are looking for you. All of our strippers left for tonight expect for you. You need to entertain everyone, come on!" The manager stated, grabbing Iris by her arm.

"No- I need to get back to my family." Iris stuttered but all of it came off as nonsense to the manager since he literally pushed her on stage. All the drunk men cheered when they spot the fine lady on stage. There was a huge crowd at the club, but there was no sign of the guy who was keeping the girls here. He probably got away when he heard about the male victims being saved and captor getting locked up, Iris thought. There was nothing to do here but actually strip dance. If iris didn't do this, she would risk blowing her cover and future missions. Without further thought Iris stripped.

She started off dancing really slowly. Iris moved her shoulders back seductively as she took off her coat with a single hand motion and threw it into the crowd. The men desperately fought for her jacket. The crowd cheered when they saw her golden bikini that perfectly complemented her complexion. Iris grabbed the pole and began to do some of the tricks she had learned on her own. The cheering and clapping encouraged her even more and led to her twerking on the floor. "Take it off, take it off!" The men cheered as Iris just smiled collecting all the money off the stage and stuffing it in her underwear. Iris grabbed the bottom of her bra before "The Flash" came in and swooped Iris out of the scene

"Oh my god- you were so good. Id rather have you for my self though, I don't want anyone else to look at you." Barry said, smiling through their kiss.

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