captain singh finds barry

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credit to @Themasterofnotcaring for this idea

Prompt: Season 1 where Captain Singh finds Barry Allen after he is struck by lightning.

If there was one word to describe Central City, it would be chaotic. Dr. Harrison Wells had been promoting the particle accelerator he had built for weeks, it was supposed to be one of the greatest inventions that could change mankind. Although, the whole city was endangered as the accelerator became unstoppable. 

Barry Allen was at CCPD, sadly unable to be there when the accelerator launched. He was looking at his extremely messy board contemplating the case that his father had been wrongfully accused of. Upon hearing the news from his desktop Barry's eyes turned wide, and the nerd was full of disbelief as his idol's invention had completely flopped and became threatening.

"To the primary cooling system. Officials are now trying to shut down the particle accelerator, but so far, have been unable to regain control of the system-."

His laptop shut off as Barry slowly looked up at the window, looking at the source of the deep rumble. This massive energy spread throughout the whole city, shaking the ground and cutting off the city's lights. Soon, Barry witnessed chemicals rising up from flasks when shortly, he was knocked out by lightning. Barry felt this rush in his fingertips and he passed out.

Captain Singh was driving to CCPD furiously. The accelerator had killed many people and fires were breaking out every where. The police task force and everyone who could help was spread out across all Central City although, but, as usual Allen was late. The Captain grabbed his walkie talkie and spoke.

"Allen can you hear me? I know you are a Forensic Chemist but we need all the help we can get."

No response. Captain Singh waited 2 minutes before he lost his patience and started yelling into the walkie talkie.

"Look Allen, if you don't respond right now you are fired! This is the day that the city needs you the most and is actually counting on us. This is the one day you can't be late. If you don't respond right now I will open that door of yours and fire you right now."

Still, no response. Now, Captain Singh boiled with anger, stomped to CCPD and went straight to Barry's office. When the Captain opened the door, he stared at Barry in shock as he witnessed the scene in front of him. He rushed over to Barry and used two fingers to check the pulse on his wrist. The Captain sighed in relief as his faint pulse was still there and quickly used his phone to call the ambulance. 

"Yes, I know you have many emergencies right now."

"What do you mean I'm not your top priority, I have an unconscious, bloody kid over here!"

"Listen, I am Captain Singh from CCPD and I order you to come here and take care of my boy Barry!"

"You know what, I will take the boy  to the hospital by myself. After everything settles down, I will make sure you get fired Anna!"

The Captain shoved his phone in his pocket and grunted as he picked up Barry and carried him to the back of the police car. "Barry please, hold on for a little bit I will get you there in 5 minutes." Captain Singh worriedly mumbled as he turned on the car and put full force on the gas pedal. He swerved around the city and made it to the hospital in 2 minutes. 

"I need assistance here, the boy is dying!" The Captain yelled at top of his lungs in the parking lot. Many people turned around but he was lucky enough to spot a doctor heading his way. The doctor yelled for 3 nurses and hurriedly put Barry on a gurney

"What happened to him?" The doctor questioned, while they all ran Barry to an emergency room.

"I don't know I-I just found him like this when I went to his office. Please help Barry, I or his family can't afford to loose him." Singh said as tears ran down his cheek.

"You call his family, and we will treat him. Don't tell his family he is alright though, Barry's condition doesn't look too good." The doctor spoke as he put on his blue mask and shut the operation door.

The captain, shakily dialed Joe's phone number, and pressed call as his heart rate raised up, unsure on how to pass on this tragic information.

"Captain, I'm a little busy right now in the middle of all the mess Wells has caused. Although, how can I help you?" Joe asked.

"It's Barry-." The Captain started when Joe frantically cut off the Captain.

"What happened to Barry, is he okay?" Joe asked as he closed his eyes, prepared for the bad news coming his way.

"I was heading to CCPD since we could use Allen's help, but I found him unconscious and bloody. I took him in the back of my police car and drove him to the Central City hospital." Captain Singh explained, waiting for Joe's reaction.

"I'm on my way Captain. How bad is his condition?" Joe spoke as he abandoned his task, leaving it in the hands of another officer. 

"It's not the best, he has a really light pulse and no matter how many electric shocks the doctors are giving him he won't wake up." The Captain said as he turned around, still witnessing Barry receiving never ending shocks.

"Oh god- my baby." Joe's voice quivered as he ended the phone call abruptly. Joe would die if anything happened to his only son, Barry meant the whole world to Joe.

The captain also dialed Iris's phone number. He knew Barry held a special spot for Iris in his heart judging from the amount of times he rambles about her. Also, Iris is family to Barry. 

"Captain Singh, is everything okay?" Iris questioned awkwardly, she had never been called by her fathers boss.

"No Iris, it is Barry. You need to come to Central City Hospital right now!" The captain spoke emphasizing his last two words.

"Oh my god, is Barry okay? Was he affected by the explosion?" Iris shakily questioned as she got in her car and made her way full speed to the hospital.

"I came to CCPD to find Barry unconscious and bloody. The doctors have been giving Barry shocks but he still hasn't woken up. Judging from Barry's condition-" The captain started to explain the situation when he turned around and saw the doctors stop giving Barry shocks. One of the doctors saw Captain Singh peek out the window and gave him the horrible news.

"Captain Singh, Captain Singh?" Iris yelled, overwhelmed into the phone as tears flooded down her eyes.

"I'm here Iris, one of the doctors just informed me that Barry is going to be in a comma. The doctors don't know how long although, it could be a while." The Captain sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, in stress.

"I am so sorry, please come soon." The Captain whispered and hung up.

"NO!" Iris threw her phone across the car and burst into tears in the middle of the road. 

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