Allura perked up with interest, before standing up and taking the case file from the chief. Fascinated, she opened the file as the young cop strode to her office. The case had been called 'Case Kerberos'. On a forest trip, three people named Samuel Holt, Matt Holt, and Takashi Shirogane had suddenly gone missing. After three months of wild investigation, the detectives had charged the daughter of Samuel and brother of Matt. Her name was Katie Holt, and she was apparently quite the intelligent little devil. The convict had escaped from the building she had been held in, and was still on the run. That had been a year ago. Apparently this case was nowhere near new, it was just the first time that it had finally gotten around to their police department. 

Allura was still puzzling over the case when she got back to her office, standing outside the door she herself had painstakingly polished. Sighing happily, she walked in, fully embracing the feeling of warmth and familiarity, her one oasis in this hellish concrete building.

Her office was a small room, only about 5 x 7, but Allura had the special touch with interior design to somehow magnify the size. There was a mahogany desk in the corner opposite the door, with a leather desk chair. In-wall bookshelves lined the wall opposite the one you walked in, the pattern only broken by two small windows that were jammed in-between the numerous novels. A red rug was laid on the floor, taking up all the space from the door to the desk. There was a small chair in the corner, with Allura's paintings and diplomas on  the wall next to it. To Allura's surprise and confusion, the usually empty chair was actually filled this morning.

"Hunk!" She exclaimed, her voice a mixture of surprise, excitement, and nervousness. Hunk usually asked her to come to his office, met her in the lobby or texted over phone. When the male put effort into actually visiting her, it meant serious business. 

"Hey 'llura!" Hunk said, looking more disheveled in usual.  He was never neat, but now he was bordering on downright unclean. Dark hair was falling way past his yellow headband, and the lucky green and gold jacket he usually sported was covered in wrinkles. To top it off, bags hung below his eyes, blending into Hunk's already dark skin. 

"I-I just wanted to stop b-by." Hunk stammered. "U-um." He sighed, and took a deep breath. "S-so. You know how I've been having trouble with cases? And how I'm not doing the best?" "Sure" Hunk was a detective, but he wasn't the worst. It just took him a while to take all the clues into count. And once he actually did, the guesses he made were far more accurate than any of the other detectives.

"W-well, if I don't get three cases solved in the next two months, I-I'm fired." The words looked like they physically pained Hunk to say, as if the burning nature and purpose of the words had soaked into them, making them painful to speak.

Instant sympathy wormed it's way into Allura's chest, aching as it crawled inside her heart. 

"Oh- Hunk" Tears pricked at Allura's eyes. Hunk's dream had always been to become a detective. His case-solving was good, even if it took time. His overall analysis actually went faster  than the other detectives. Almost without a thought, she reached out her arms and hugged Hunk.

Hunk was warm, and his aura of comfort almost instantly made the tears leave Allura's eyes, and stutter in embarrassment. 

"So, anything else you wanted to ask?" "Yea." Hunk said, obviously ignoring Allura's new discomfort. 

"I know you just got a new case, and it's been high on the solving chart. If I solve it, it might count for the other two cases!" Allura nodded, smiling as she reached over and handed Hunk the case file.

Hunk gasped, the noise a mix of surprise and joy. "That's the case you got!" he was obviously excited. "I was fascinated, so I looked into it the other day! I even brainstormed ideas of where she could be."

Allura was surprised. Man, this was almost planned. Almost as if this was badly written fanfiction.

Hunk quickly pulled out a sheet of notebook paper, writing possible locations down. After he was done, he folded it into fourths and handed it to Allura. 

Allura gave a grateful nod, before power walking out the door, back through the hellish maze of a building, and back to the small convertible. 

Opening the door and getting in, Allura crashed her head on the steering wheel. "Alright, Aurora. You got this." Allura's composure melted at the use of the old nickname. Feeling better, she lifted her head and unfolded the paper. "Alright, you can do this. Just get on the road. Before you re-think things. Or get coffee first. Scratch that, I'm going to need to blast with my veins with caffeine to even survive this week." 

Putting the keys in the ignition, Allura started the car. Whatever happened during this case, Allura would be okay. Hunk would still be her friend. She even had other office friends. She would make it through this. Whether the results were good, or bad. 

She would be okay.

(This piece of shiz legit took me two days what the heck.)

Handcuffs {Pidge X Allura}{Police AU}Where stories live. Discover now