21. If I Make It Home Alive, My Dad Is Going To Kill Me!

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To be honest, I was NOT looking forward to getting my face ripped off.

As the three continued to stare up at me, I slowly backed away from the vent opening, into the shadowy darkness, until I was pretty sure they couldn't see me anymore but I could still see them.

That's when Ralph started screaming at the top of his lungs. . . .


"But, Ralph, we're too big to go in there after him," Tucker argued.

"Yeah, so how are we supposed to catch him?" asked Moose.

"Just FIND him, you MEATHEADS, and leave the rest to me!" Ralph growled.

"Okay, Ralph. But can we at least take a little break for dinner first?" Tucker asked.

"You want a BREAK?! I'll give you a break! I'LL BREAK YOUR NOSE!" Ralph hollered as he picked up a magazine from a nearby desk and rolled it into a weapon. "HERE'S your stinking BREAK!"

WHACK!  He smacked Tucker upside his head!

"OUCH!" Tucker yelled.

"I told both of you to EAT before we left, but NO! You NEVER listen!"

WHACK!  He smacked Moose upside his head.

"OW!" Moose bellowed.

"Still hungry? Here's some DESSERT!"

WHACK!  He smacked Tucker again.

"HEY!" Tucker said, staring up at the magazine. "Dude, just hold up for a second! Let me take a closer look at that mag, okay?"

"How about I just shove it down your throat for wasting my valuable time? Will that be CLOSE enough for you?" Ralph grumbled.

"Sheesh, Ralph! Just chillax, will you?" Tucker snatched the magazine out of his boss's hand and squinted at the small print on the front cover.

"This ain't the library. Read on your OWN time, you IDIOT!" Ralph spat.

"NO WAY! This looks like a limited-edition COMICS DIGEST from 1972. I'm pretty sure it's worth BIG BUCKS!" Tucker exclaimed.

My heart skipped a beat! It sounded like he was describing my dad's comic book! I inched forward to take a closer look!

OH, CRUD! It WAS my dad's comic book!! It must have accidentally fallen out of my backpack while I was playing video games in the computer lab

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OH, CRUD! It WAS my dad's comic book!! It must have accidentally fallen out of my backpack while I was playing video games in the computer lab.

"Well, it looks totally worthless to me!" Ralph shot back.

"Listen! I know my comics, bro. And I'm telling you, this one is worth its weight in GOLD! You want proof? I can google it on this computer."

"You'd better be right! Or you'll be EATING it for dinner!" Ralph grunted.

Max Crumbly x Female Reader "Locker Hero"Where stories live. Discover now