2. If there's a dead body inside my locker, its probably me!

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It all started as a normal, boring, CRUMMY day in my abnormally boring, CRUMMY life.

My morning was a disaster because I overslept.
Then it went straight downhill from there.

I completely lost track of time at breakfast while reading a really old comic book that my father found in the attic a few days ago.

He said his dad had given it to him as a birthday gift when he was a kid.

He warned me to be super careful with it and not take it out of the house because it was a collectible and probably worth a few hundred dollars.

-Max walks downstairs while writing in his journal, comic book under his arm-

My dad was pretty serious about it because he already scheduled an appointment to get it appraised at the local comic book store.

-Max sit's down at the table and eats breakfast, continuing to write-

However, sense I was running late for school, I decided to sneak take the comic book with me and finish reading it during lunch.

Like, what could happen to it at school?!

-Max puts the comic book gently in his backpack, then pulls the zipper closed-

-Max turns his head and sees the school bus in the corner of his eye. So he grabs his backpack and starts running out of the house-

Anyways, as I rushed to the bus stop, the zipper broke on my backpack and all my stuff fell out, including dad's comic book.

I was like, "Oh CRUD!! My dad is going to STRANGLE ME if I damage his comic book!"

-Max grabbed the comic book and was desperately trying to pick up everything that fell out of his backpack-

Then the bus pulled up, screeched to a halt, waited all three seconds, and then zoomed off again.


Hey, I ran after that thing like it was a $100 bill blowing in the wind!

"STOP!! STOP!! STOOOOP!" I yelled. But it didn't.

-Max started waving his hands vigorously trying to get someone to notice him to stop the bus, and someone did notice him-

-When Max saw that (Y/n) was looking at him, he slightly blushed, good thing they were both far away for her/him to notice-

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

-I was on the bus, looking out one of the bus window's and saw Max picking up his things that fell from his backpack, we both looked at each other, then he started to wave his hands in the air frantically-

-I turn my head towards the bus driver-

"Um, you forgot to pick up Max!"

-(Y/n) slightly blushed when she said his name-

The driver replies "Hey, it's not my fault that brat missed the bus!"

-The bus driver then continues rambling on about how his life stinks living in his parents basement and that he could've been an engineer-

-The bus driver sighed heavily-

"We're already on a tight schedule, I'm already behind schedule to get you kids to school AND I'm missing my opera show for this! So stop complaining or I'll make you kids WALK to school!"

Max Crumbly x Female Reader "Locker Hero"Where stories live. Discover now