She had hope to God that Yeonwoo wouldn't take Nancy away from her. She didn't know what she would do if they ended up together. Yeonwoo and Jane had always been rivals, even going back to high school. Yeonwoo was the new girl and she had quickly gained the attention of everyone, especially a certain maknae. Jane knew that Yeonwoo was into the younger girl, it's obvious to anyone and everyone, everyone except Nancy. Nancy's to damn oblivious to know what was going on, she just assumed it was just Yeonwoo being nice and trying to get used to the new environment. Ever since then, Jane just couldn't get along with the older girl. She puts up a show in front of the other girls just so no issues or drama can happen, but only her herself knew how she truly felt. The main reason why she disliked Yeonwoo was because the girl was stronger than she will ever be. She had the confidence she wished she had, she had what it takes to be with Nancy.

"I found it!" Jane turned her head before looking at Nancy with her jaw dropped. Nancy was dressed in a light denim button up long sleeve, dark blue jeans, and white vans on her feet. "What do you think?"

"You look beautiful." Jane said with no hesitation.

"Really? But this isn't anything." Nancy said checking herself out in her mirror.

"Sometimes simple is breathtaking." Nancy blushes. "Bring a jacket with you, you'll get cold."

"I know unnie, you tell me this every day."

"Yet you never listen to me." Nancy laughs. Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. The girls look at each other before Jane gets up to leave the room and open the front door. There was Yeonwoo, dressed in ripped jeans, a black bomber jacket over a pale yellow crop top, and white converse on her feet. Yeonwoo's faced dropped slightly when she saw it was Jane and not Nancy that greeted her.

"Oh hey Jane, I didn't expect to see you here. I'm here to pick Nancy up, I'm taking her out." Yeonwoo said to the girl.

"I know, she told me." The girls stood in an awkward silence before Jane broke it. "She's upstairs getting ready." Yeonwoo nods. "Where are you taking her?"

"It's a surprise, I hope she likes it." Yeonwoo said as she started to smile to herself.

"Listen unnie, you better be good to Nancy. If I hear anything remotely bad about tonight I won't hesitate to kick your ass, you hear me?" Yeonwoo raises an eyebrow, amused at her response.

"I'm not going to hurt her Jane, she's in good hands. Nothing bad will happen to her, I promise you that. If god forbid something happens, I will give you the honor to kick my ass." Jane doesn't look amused. "I promise to be good to your best friend."

"Jane unnie?" The older girls heard the youngest. Both girls turn and see Nancy coming down the stairs with a shy smile. Yeonwoo had a huge smile on her face. "Hi Yeonwoo-unnie."

"You look beautiful Nancy." A blush appears on the girl's face.

"T-Thank you u-unnie, you l-look beautiful too." Both the girls couldn't look away from each other, Jane started to feel uncomfortable. She lets out a fake cough.

"I'm gonna head out now..." Either girl moved, Jane frowned before walking out the house and toward her house which wasn't even 10 minutes away.

"Unnie!" Jane stops and turns to see Nancy running towards her and attacks her with a huge hug. "It's late, have Yeonwoo unnie drop you home."

"It's okay, I'll be home before you know it... Plus I wanted to walk."

"Are you sure? Unnie said she wouldn't mind taking you home." Jane looks behind Nancy to see Yeonwoo watching them, Yeonwoo smiles and waves at Jane.

"I'm sure. Now go have fun okay? If anything, call me." Nancy nods and gives the girl another hug. Jane wraps her arms around the smaller girl and brought her closer. She closed her eyes for a moment before sadly letting her go.

"I love you unnie, please call me when you get home." Nancy reaches on her tip toes to kiss Jane on her cheek before quickly walking back to Yeonwoo. The girl watches Yeonwoo's car drive out of the driveway and unto the streets before continuing her walk home.

          After reaching home, she calls Nayun who luckily for her wasn't busy.

"I still don't understand why you won't confess. Nancy feels the same way you know."

"No she doesn't, she's totally into Yeonwoo-unnie... I can't compete with that."

"That's only because you're too chicken to tell her how you really feel about her unnie."

"How can I do that? She only sees me as her best friend, as her unnie... When she sees Yeonwoo-unnie... You don't see how much she lights up, how her smile can rip her face in two, how there's a sparkle in her eye... She looks at her like as if she's the only person in the world."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because that's the way I look at her."

          She was sleeping when her phone blares beside her. She groggily searches for her phone in the dark before answering it.

"Hello?" She said in a low raspy voice.

"Oh, did I wake you up unnie? I'm so sorry!"

"Nancy? Did you just come home?"

"I did, but I'll call you later, go back to sleep."

"How was it?" Jane said sitting up on her bed. She tries to rub the sleepiness from her eyes.

"It was good! We went to the carnival that was by the mall."

"Oh that sounds like it was good, I'm glad you two had fun."

"She won me a prize from the games, it took her a while but she got it."Nancy giggles. "It's a stuffed banana I called it Nana the Banana."

"Seriously?" Jane chuckles lowly.

"What?! I thought it was cute!"Jane and visually see Nancy pouting and it made her heart race slightly. "We went on all the rides, and we ate a lot of churros, and funnel cake."

"Sounds fun." Jane lets out a yawn.

"Something else happened actually..." Nancy said shyly.

"Oh? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah... It's more than okay... It's amazing."

"What? You were just as shocked as I when you found out you were tall enough to get on the rollercoaster?"

"Unnie!" Jane laughs.

"Well... don't keep me in suspense. What else happened?"

"I kissed her." 

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