You've been captured (oh nooo)

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You did a little flying over the base to make sure your wing was fine. Once you knew for sure it was you 'said' your goodbyes and flew off. Everything was going peachy and you were headed off back to your little cave.

Until you were shot down.

All you remembered was a small sudden pain in your left shoulder and then darkness.


Excellent.. my troops have managed to capture the beast. Thankfully the autobots were busy with something else and didn't notice us... I think I'm going to leave Starscream in charge of it, just to watch him suffer with two predacons.


Welp. This is interesting.. when you regained consciousness you saw a scrawny looking bot screaming at another dragon... the bot kept smacking the dragon with a pipe, though it did literally nothing.

You barked at the bot to try to get him to stop beating the dragon.

"Quiet you!" He swung the pipe at your face. Rude... You growled and grabbed the pipe from his claws. Then you smacked him on the head with it. He grabbed his head and yelled nonsense at you. None of which you heard because you were busy staring at the other dragon. He was staring back at you.

*Are you a predacon?* he asked. He was talking like a dragon with growls and barks and stuff.

*a what* you tilted your head.

*I guess not.. don't be afraid to kill Screams there.* he turned around and got into a huge cage. For some odd reason you didn't seem to have one.

"You! Blue one! Megatron wishes to see you!" He grabbed his pipe from off the floor and threatened you with it. A bunch of weird purple bots flooded into the room and surrounded you. When Starscream began to walk they followed, forcing you to go as well.

It wasn't much of a journey. All you did was walk down a few hallways and go up. You were at the top of the ship now. There was a bigger purple bot with one red eye and a big silver bot next to him.

The small bots left the flimsy circle they made around you to let Megatron inspect you.

"I do not recognize this predacon." Shockwave said suddenly.

"That's because it isn't a predacon." Megatron observed. He grabbed one of your horns and inspected your eyes for some odd reason.

"That isn't possible. There aren't any creatures like this living here on Earth." Starscream said.

"Oh it's possible. You know why? Because ones right in front of you!" Megatron yelled. Starscream's wings dropped and he glared at you.

These guys are boring. If you timed it right you could jump off the side and fly home.

"Shockwave! I want you to observe it more closely and see if we can use it for battle!" Megatron ordered Shockwave nodded and started towards you.


You threw your head up and bit Megatron's wrist. He let go and stumbled back a little bit. Shockwave loaded his cannon and pointed it at you.

"Do not make me shoot." He said firmly. You growled and ran straight at him. He was a bit hesitant to shoot. But when he did all the weird laser thing did was hit your feathers and kind of soak into them. You suddenly felt stronger.

Shockwave kept shooting and you kept soaking in the shots and getting more powerful. Megatron was now screeching orders and Starscream was nowhere to be found. With all your strength you rammed into shockwave. You threw him to the side and ran for the edge of the ship. With a graceful leap you were flying off to freedom.

Better thank them for not killing me. You thought. You twisted in the air so you were facing the ship. After a quick inhale you shot bright burning blue flames at the ship. It instantly caught fire. Usually you'd stop after the fire caught but you kept going. Your entire body burst into flames.

So here you were. A literal ball of fire, shooting fire at a ship, that is now engulfed in fire. After deciding that it was enough you stopped and dove for the ground. Surprisingly, the ship was not far from the autobots base.

It would be safer there. You concluded. Luckily, you saw Bee driving down the road a few yards ahead. You hovered a few feet off the ground and made a beeline for the road ahead of him, hoping to catch him by surprise.

You landed in the road and waited for him to get close. He saw you immediately and beeped. Raf poked his head out his window and waved.

"D/N!!" Bee stopped and let Raf get out. Then he transformed and tilted his head. Oh, you're still on fire.. whoops. You shook like a wet dog and the flames fizzled out of existence. "I thought you were going home!" Raf said. You nodded. Raf and Bee shared a confused look.

《If you were going home them why are you here?》 Bee beeped. You pointed your tail at the now crashing Decepticon ship. It was still covered in glowing blue fire. Raf choked on an apple he was eating and then burst into laughter.

"You brought down the Decepticon ship! Wait till Optimus hears about this!" He laughed. Your ears perked up and you wanted your tail a little.

《Want to come back with us? It seems you're already getting nothing but trouble out here.》 Bee offered. You nodded and started down the street.

The Nevada Dragon (Transformers Prime X Dragon Reader) {Discontinued?}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin