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[Your P.O.V]
Karlheinz and I arrived at my new "home". We entered the mansion and went straight to the living-room. I just followed behind him silently. Arriving in the living-room, I noticed there were 6 boys and a girl sitting on the couches. The boys glared at Karlheinz in pure hatred. I guess that I'm not the only one that hates him.

Karlheinz and I sat across the 6 boys and girl on another couch. "My sons, it is nice to see you again, all well I assume. Did you miss me?" Karlheinz said. It seems they didn't like the joke because they glared at him harder. 'So, they're his sons. I pity them.' I laughed in my head at my own thought. I'd never feel pity for these vampires. Actually, I don't know how to feel anymore.

"Father, let's get to the subject. Who is this woman with you?" the guy with glasses asked. "Probably another one of his sluts." a red head with his pants rolled up said with venom lacing his voice. Karlheinz ignored his comment and continued to explain. "This, Reiji, is [Y/N] [L/N]. She is going to be living with you for just a year." he said to the glasses guy. "Even so, learn not to mess with her. She isn't like the other girls, you can push her around and play with her. I'm looking at you Laito. She can kill you if you do." He stood up from the couch. "I will leave once I am done talking with [Y/N]. Come." I followed him out the living room.

[No one's P.O.V]
The brother's all sat in silence. Ayato fumed with anger, standing it from the couch. "HOW DARE THAT MAN COME HERE?!" he exclaimed. Laito played with Yui's hair, amused with what was happening."I'll have a new toy to play with other then you~ Aren't you glad, little bitch~" he said, voice filled with playfulness. Yui was kind of disappointed, but hid it well. The boys (except Shu) started to talk all at once when Karlheiz came back in the living-room with [Y/N]. "Yui, show [Y/N] to her room. And I shall leave now for a business." he said and left. [Y/N] followed Yui to her room upstairs.

[Your P.O.V]
After Yui left me alone, I locked the door and shut the curtains, darkening the room. I sat on the bed, thinking back to what Karlheinz said to me.

"[Y/N], you do know why I brought you here, correct?" Karlheinz said. I nod. "Yes, I do. I'm here to do your dirty job for you. I'm here to make the brothers trust me and get close to them and to see if Yui Komori is still a useful human. After that:

...I kill her."

After I get that done, I'll be set free. I won't be chained down to anything and anyone anymore, I don't have to take orders like a filthy dog [A/N: I like dogs don't worry!] I'll finally be free. After hundreds of years of being locked up.

[To be continued...]

𝖘𝖍𝖊'𝖘 𝖉𝖎𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙 [𝖲𝗎𝖻𝖺𝗋𝗎 𝖵𝖾𝗋.]Where stories live. Discover now