"How long have we slept?" Stella asks as I rush into our living room, "No longer than two hours." Bloom panics. "Alright, are we all here? The guys need us." Bloom double checks. "Yes, we are all here." Flora assures. "Let's go outside and transform." Aisha starts running down to the courtyard and we all follow. Alfea's top thirty fairies are already down transforming and ready to aid Red Fountain. Something tells me that this ambush was the worst one yet.

"Magic Winx! Cyberix!" Bloom begins and we all pose to commence our transformation. I try to rush mine as I do fear anything happening to Riven. "Musa Fairy of Music!" I do my final spin and the girls finish at the same time. Without hesitation, we fly as quickly as possible following the other fairies assigned to this mission. They are mainly Enchantix and some Charmix.

Once we finally arrive we see the whole building nearly destroyed. Some of the specialists are in the courtyard receiving medical care. A pink-haired fairy next to me flew down quickly and comforted what I believe was her boyfriend.

"Let us find the Specialists." Bloom says and we follow her around the courtyard. Finally, we spot them, Sky has his arm around Brandon's shoulder coughing intensely with a piece of paper in his hand. Timmy, Helia, and Nex are just coughing with some bruises on their faces. I don't see Riven and my mind begins to make up unbearable scenarios.

We fly down to the guys and the girls quickly comfort their boy. "Where is Riven?!" I panic, "Musa, this is all we were able to find." Sky hands me the paper with a concerned look.

The note read,

Like I said, Riven never said I could not try... I am sorry it had to be this way. It appears your wedding will be off as I will rule alongside Riven instead. He thinks you're dead so this will be easier without you in the picture.

My eyes burn as tears start to form. I fall to my knees and rip the paper. "He is gone!" I cover my eyes as my tears slide down my cheeks easily. "Musa we will find him." Flora rushes to comfort me. "We got a bigger problem." Sky sits next to me and leans against the tree. "The Trix took the book, we were attacked from our room. Our room is complete ash as are our belongings, thankfully we all had a spare uniform the Trix didn't destroy." Sky coughs weakly.

"Oh no!" Bloom and Stella shout in unison, "Not only is Riven kidnapped but we are soon to be completely destroyed." Aisha tightly held Nex. "I have an idea." Bloom looks at me. "Musa, Flora, and Stella stay here and help out with rescuing and aiding the Specialists, meanwhile Tecna, Aisha and I will go back to Alfea and investigate where the Trix are hiding." Bloom stands.

"Okay let us begin now." Stella holds Brandon tightly. I just get up and follow Flora inside the building.

One 4 All POV 

"What do you mean Musa is dead?" Riven pulled tightly on the chains that connected the right corner of the cave. "You heard me, she did not survive the ambush." Diaspro holds Riven's chin as she grins. "You will have no choice but to move on with your pathetic life." She pulls back and walks to the large pot in the center of the cave. Riven's heart tore as she repeated those words. He couldn't believe the one he loved the most is gone...

"We saved you as you are one of the few that actually survived and will survive when we unlock the full potential of this book." Neveah waves the book around, "I am finally free I hope this is payback for putting me in that cell." Darcy smirked. "And you will be in my life for the rest of eternity." She laughed evilly.

"Wait! I was promised anything and that promise included him for me." Neveah placed her hands on her hips. "Anything but that sweet fairy, Riven and I were meant to be." Darcy snarled.

"I belong to no one but Musa! If she is dead I am willing to die and meet her wherever the afterlife leads you!" Riven exclaimed, he sat down and crossed his arms. "Riven I know you felt something for me at some point..." Neveah says quietly. He shook his head. "You will choose at some point." Neveah crosses her arms and turns away.

As each second passed Riven grew desperate to see Musa, alive or dead he needs her. Would Blair disappear if Musa is dead? Will I rule Melody alone? How can I escape this life, starve to death? Riven thought. "Poor guy, at our beck and call once again." Icy laughed

"You said no one would get hurt!" Crystal rushed into the cave with Galatea, "You kidnapped my brother?!" She runs to her brother and lifts his head up. "I can't believe you are a part of this scheme." He pulls away. "I had no clue..." She says quiet enough for them both to hear. He does not answer.  "We do what we must to get what we want plus, we saved him from what is about to happen soon." Icy rolled her eyes and began reading the book.

Musa POV

I am walking down the aisle of specialists all on the floor of the courtyard due to some injury. None dead thankfully but you usually only see this kind of a pain in war, sometimes it feels as though this is war. I began to wrap a deep cut of a blue guy with long grey hair and beautiful hazel eyes. Unique and special in his own way.

"You are Riven's fiance right?" He winces in pain, "Yes." I smile trying to distract him from the pain, though my attempt to fails as he pulls his right arm back. "Hey lady, go gentle." He chuckles, "I am sorry, it's just so hard to think right with Riven gone." I slap my face in my head. "It is okay, I don't know what I would do if my girlfriend was kidnapped, you girls are strong he will return. He is too stubborn to stay wherever he is." The guy smirked and tried to flex his arm to adjust the bandage.

"Musa come now it's time for lunch." Flora waves to me from the entrance of the school. I nod at her and turn to the guy I was helping. "If anything call the next fairies in charge while I have my lunch." I kindly wave and start walking towards the school entrance, I see the girls sitting enjoying sandwiches with their boys. I sit in the end, staring at my food not even wanting to make eye contact with anyone. I have tried hard to think of ways we could rescue Riven but every plan seems useless. We don't even know where they hide.

"Muse, you need to eat." Stella passes her strawberries to me, I look up at her. Pitty. I hated it.
  "Thank you but I am not hungry at the moment. I will head to Alfea right now to see what progress the girls have made with finding the Trix." I say as I get up quickly before they can say anything else.

I fly to Alfea not wanting to see people on the buses and having fresh air will soothe my heartache. Birds fly past me and chirp, surely Flora would have stopped to have a conversation with them. Today seems to be more cloudy than usual, sadder...

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