Merry Christmas Magix

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We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas...

I hear as I slowly start to awake, suddenly its freezing. I sit up from my queen-sized bed in Red Fountain. I look out the window and see it is snowing. I am shocked since Magix never snows, unless its magic. I run out of my small room and burst into the living area, I see the girls are already having breakfast and settled into the living room.

"What is going on?" I ask and place my hands on my waist. Flora walks up to me and hands me a hot chocolate, "Faragonda and the teachers gave us and the boys the day off since its Christmas Eve today, they even gave us snow and cold weather." Flora smiles sweetly and goes to sit on the table to continue to eat croissants. I get excited, "This is the third year we all celebrate Christmas! I forgot for a moment but I already know what I'm giving Riven for Christmas." I grab the box I had left for him under our Christmas tree. I smile as I know it feels right to follow tradition. The yin and yang. Two symbols that tie a man and a woman. Yang is the white with a black dot in the center, its Riven's part of the masculine. And I'll be having the other part, yang, black with the white dot, the feminine part.

I smile at the gift since I made it with my own hands, I even took a handcrafting class for this. Riven almost caught me while I was there surrounded by males. Close one to be honest.

"Isn't this your first Christmas where you and Riven are actually on good terms?" Stella teased. I glare at her, "How poor is your servant boy compared to you?" I stick my tongue out at Stella, she opens her mouth wide in the offense to my remark towards her, "Exactly, shut up nosy girl." I wink and giggle, she snaps her fingers and a pink pillow appears. She moves her finger forward, the pillow hits my face and I grunt, "I am so going to kill you this time!" I jump towards her on the couch and start wrestling her.

As I am wrestling Stella on the couch, we hear a knock and Blooms opens the door. I heard Male voices and I then pushed her off and she flew to the tree and knocks it over. I burst into a fit of laughter as do our friends and the specialists. Brandon rushes to pick her back up. "You may have one this time but I will get you back Musa!" Stella shouted playfully. "Let's hope I don't throw you in Flora's Rose bushes next time." I wink and feel a big arm wrap around my right shoulder, I look over and see Riven smirking.

"I see my girlfriend can beat some butt without magic, remind me not to get you mad ever again." He winked at me, I feel my cheeks heat up, and chuckle at his remark, "Now you know how I can get." I smile.

"Well, now that that's over with, let's get ready to go over the Christmas party preparations at Alfea, all of our parents will be joining us as well!" Bloom chimed in cheerfully.
"Yes let's start heading to Alfea so I can plan our outfits in my boutique! And my handsome Brandon will be with me all day!" Stella hugs Brandon. We all just chuckle at Stella and start walking out to go to Alfea.

"Wow, they really made today cold! I'm glad we are going on the ship." I say as we start heading inside the ship. "I bet Alfea will have so many hot chocolates!" Aisha got excited and lifts her arms in cheer. I smile at her.
"We are almost at Alfea girls. I'm so hyped for tonight!" Sky cheers. Bloom walks to him and kisses his cheek as he drives the ship to Alfea.

As we arrive I see many fairies playing with snow, many planets don't get snow so they take advantage and enjoy it, these next two days we will be receiving a lot of snow and chilly weather. "Guys check it out! It's the Winx!" Freshman fairies fan girl over us. I wave and smile at them. As they sworm us I notice some girls check Riven out. He chuckles and I glare at him.

"Christmas party tonight! Don't forget! Everyone is invited as well!" Bloom says to all the fairies outside. They all start cheering and get excited. We soon start entering Alfea and see Faragonda waiting for us.

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