Protect Me..

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"We haven't had this much fun ever since Riven left! We are glad you're back buddy!" Brandon says. I plaster myself onto the love seat, I was tired of so much dancing, we haven't had fun without Riven because I would only sit and watch. Today he danced all night with me. It really was fun. Nex and Aisha got in a fight outside so we came up to our dorm and waited for them.

"Okay girls, goodnight. We will see you tomorrow. It is Saturday so we will see what we will come up with." Sky says as he hugs and kisses Bloom. I wave at Riven and he smiled and waved back.. Why do I love Riven?... I walk out to our balcony. I move a chair to face forward and I stare at the stars. As I stare at the sky I start to think of all my past memories with Riven. Tears start to build up in my eyes. I feel a chair move and someone sits next to me.

"Musa... What's wrong?" Flora says in a comforting tone. "Why can't I just have a normal relationship?" I felt tears silently stream down my face. "I just love him, but no matter what I feel I know I needed him so much and he wasn't there..." I cry.. "Oh Musa, I understand how you feel but there is no such thing as a normal relationship. We all have troubles. You and Riven are so strong for always sticking by each other's side. Riven looks at you the way any man should look at his girl. Even if you're just friends I know you two love each other." Flora put her hand on my shoulder for comfort.

"I guess you're right. He is finally the way I wished him to be. I missed him so much, but how do I tell him?" I asked and I looked at her. "You will know when the time comes Musa."  Flora grabs my hands to stand up and embraces me. "Lets sleep I'm tired." I yawn and she nods. She walks into the dorm and heads to her dorm. I follow and go into mine

As I slowly fall asleep a loud bang noise wakes me up and the whole school is shaking. I ran into the living room and I see the girls do the same. "What is going on?!" I shout, there was so much rambling noise. "My calculations show we are being attacked!" Tecna shows panic, and she usually shows no emotion. "No kidding Tecna!" Stella shouted. "Quickly Winx lets transform!" Bloom orders and we all transform quickly and fly out of our dorm. Squads of Specialists run all over to defend the school. "Musa, flora, and Tecna go protect the book of fairies!" Bloom orders and we do as she said. we start to fly to position then we saw our specialist squad "Riven! Helia, and Timmy come with us, the rest  of you, Bloom is waiting for you!" I exclaim and the boys nodded and we headed to where the book of fairies was hidden.

"Timmy lock the door quickly!" Tecna said as she helped him locking the door. "The book is safe." I sigh in relief. I grab the book. "We should hide it." I held it and search for a spot to hide it. "Found one!" Right when I started to fly towards the spot to hide it a loud explosion opened the doors. "There Darcy! Musa has it!" I heard Icy order Darcy. Oh no! I need to protect the book.

"You will never get the book!" I hid the book behind me. I signaled Timmy to hold it behind me. He did as i hoped. "Harmonious sting!" I shot my spell but the just absorbed it! "Stupid dumb little fairy! We are finally stronger than you!" Icy said with an evil laugh. I am filled with fear, I cant let them get near this book. "I may not be able to harm you but i can defend the book. Boomerang Shield!" I casted a blue circle surrounding Timmy and I.

Helia shot his weapon but it was only deflected back to him. Riven got into the shield with me. Tecna Shielded Helia and Flora. We are useless. For the first time we don' stand a chance with these witches. Icy laughs and throws ice blast to my shield and broke it. Timmy held onto the book tighter with his laser gun pointed at the Trix.

"You know what! Today im feeling generous, instead of taking the book ill do this." Icy said, "Sharp Ice!" She threw her spell towards me but before I could react Riven jumped in front of me. He grunted as the ice hit him and fell on the floor unconscious. The Trix laughed and disappeared. i got on my knees and grab Riven's head "Oh my goodness. Riven why did you do that?!" I bursted into tears, "I am supposed to protect you remember?" He said very weakly. This hurt to even look at. he was bleeding in his stomach. "RIVEN!" I scream. "Is everyone okay?!" Sky said as the others ran in. He stood in shock once he saw Riven.

"Oh god Musa, lets rush him to the infirmery." Aisha said as the guys grabbed Riven and we all rushed the the nurse. Once we arrived we de-transformed. I watched the boys take Riven into the room. He can die because of me, I am not powerful enough to protect him! I worried so much about my own protection that i forgot about how he needed me..

"Musa Riven will be okay." Bloom said and embraced me in a group hug. I felt like I failed him. "I am sorry to ruin the moment but where is the book?" Bloom asked. "Here." Timmy handed Bloom the book of fairies. "Musa Riven is going to be fine, I promise." Helia said as he held Flora. I felt so horrible for this... I burst into tears and sit. "I am going to wait till the surgery is over." I wipe my tears. "We will go talk to the headmaster about damages. We will be back later." Bloom said. She seemed upset but they all left.

I was here alone waiting for the doctors to cure Riven..

_____3 hours later____

"You may see Riven, our magic seemed to cure him. If anything is odd about him please let us know." The weird looking man with a robe said and left me. As i walked into Riven's room he layed there weak, the Trix are more powerful than me. It is time we get a new transformation.

"Hey Muse.."His voice was low. I felt tears starting to stream down my face. he grabbed my hand and i sat down next to him. He lifted his other hand and wiped my tears "Hey there, thanks to magic ill feel better in no time."

"I just couldn't be there for you Riven.. It is my fault.." I cry even more. He sits up and hugs me. I hug him back gently.

"Musa it isn't your fault. It was all actually unexpected. I am just glad i reacted quickly." He smiled. How was he so sweet now?! I needed this for so many years. I am just glad he is here now. "Musa I wont let anything happen to you anymore. When Rumplestiltskin stole your voice, I didn't know what to do. I felt like a coward. I ran and did not comfort you. I know that Sky would have done anything to get bloom's powers back, he comforted and was there for her. Any guy would have done that. But i didn't. I am sorry Musa."


A/N AND there is a chapter for you all! What did you think of it?

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