Canon Oneshot: Shōto and (Y/N) Adopt a Cat

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But yeah, cats love him and he kinda likes them too.

Similarly, my headcanon is that Shinshō also likes cats because he always looks sleep deprived and cats are like, lazy apparently.

So, my non-biological twin and I bought some cat food then paid for everything we gotten at the store.

I took some of the food we had and poured a little into my hand, holding it out for the kitten to eat.

She meowed then began munching down on a piece.

"We really should get a move on," Shōto said, trying his best not to smile.

"Right! You hit the rest of the stores and I'll go to the pet shop!"

"I should go. I'm the one holding the cat."

"Now I am," I stated, taking her from his arms.

"...We can just finish getting everyone's things and then go."

"You didn't want to keep it! I'm taking it!"

"You blackmailed me with cat eyes," he complained, keeping a straight face whilst he took the kitten from me.

This fricking-

"You also have no-"

"Bitch! I have more money in my pockets than you do in yours right now."

"And this credit card has more money than you have in your pockets."

That's fucking it!

"I'm taking the cat!"

"It came to me first!'

3rd Person POV:
The two non-blooded siblings began to bicker. Yet neither rose their voice. Shōto kept a straight face alongside a calm demeanor whilst (Y/N)...was acting like a child. Just without all the screaming and whining and kicking.

"Okay, how about I go to the pet store, look around, get an employee to help and you hit the rest of the spree, meet me at the store and pay for everything after you get some stuff you like?" (Y/N) suggested after fifteen minutes of throwing around insults.

Shōto thought about it for a moment. He then handed the kitten over to (Y/N), agreeing to the plan.

"Great! Be quick!" she ordered, running off to the pet store. "Pet store. Pet store. Ah! Here it is!"

The young teenager hurried off inside, cuddling the kitten close to her chest. Upon entry, she then carefully placed the cat on top of her head, to which she remained.

Good thing I have great balance.

She wandered around the store, her miraculous search beginning. She had never been to a pet store before, mainly because she never had pets. Her parents said they couldn't have one because nobody would have the time to look after it and with Toshinori, she always assumed it was the same since he was out a lot being the ex Symbol of Peace.

Okay. So cats are lazy and require a litter box, toys and a bed. I suppose we could get three of them. One for my room, one for Shōto's and one for the co-ed space. And I guess having one litter box downstairs should be fine too. Now what toys should I get? I can make a scratch post for it so I doesn't scratch the furniture so I should focus on other types of toys like a laser pointer.

Unknown to her, she had started muttering to her partway through her thought process having spent that much time with Izuku. Her finger was tapping away at the corner of her mouth and was only interrupted when the kitten meowed.

"Huh? What's wrong little guy?" she asked it, talking the kitten off her head.

She gently set it back down on the ground, then crouched down in front of it.

The feline mewled once more, turning around to point at what it wanted with her paw.

"You want that?"

The kitten nodded, as if to say 'yes'.

"M'kay kitty cat. You're the boss."

And so that's how our protagonist and her new pet gathered everything they needed to look after the kitten.

Only problem was...

"There is no way Yuuei will allow us to have all this," Shōto stated upon seeing everything his twin and kitten chose. "We are only getting the essentials."

"But Shōto-!"

"No buts little missy. Essentials only. That includes a couple of toys."

"Shō!" the female whined.

"Do I have to say something relatively ill-mannered to shut you up? Quit your whining and choose two toys. I'll get a bed for the co-ed area."

Cold! Jackass birthday twiny twin twin! Just wait until I get a puppy! That'll show him!

So (Y/N) got rid of most of the toys, apologising to the manipulative cat and met Shōto at the checkout. He paid for the items and they went to the front of the mall to find Katsuki tapping his foot away with Izuku sat down nearby.

"Sorry we're late-"

"(N/N)!" Izuku shouted, cutting her off.

He pulled her into a tight hug, happy to see her safe and sound. She hugged him back tighter than ruffled his hair.

"I missed you too," she cooed, Izuku letting her go, a clear blush on his cheeks.

"Let's fucking go already," Katsuki grumbled, walking away from the group, several bags in his hands.

Everyone grabbed their own respective bags and followed suit.

It wasn't until they arrived at campus did everyone hear a 'meow'.

"Aww! She's awake," (Y/N) cheered, looking on top of Shōto's head to see the kitten hop onto his shoulder.

"What the actual fuck?" Katsuki deadpanned.

"She's adorable! But I don't think Yuuei allows pets," Izuku commented.

"I'll make them!" (Y/N) declared. "Now let's drop this off inside because my fingers are dying!"

You either love her, or you don't. There's no in-between, Izuku thought to himself with a smile.

He admired how cheerful she had become despite her entire life becoming what she never wanted it to be. Having a quirk, seeing someone again, trusting another human being. These are all aspects she feared the most but now it appeared like she has the courage to face her future regardless of the what ifs and uncertainties. They hadn't been together long, but he definitely was a proud boyfriend cheering on the person he loved.

"Alright! Listen up fuckos! We have a kitten and it belongs to Shō and I because we found it suckers! Here's your crap! I'mma play with my new pet!"


"Are pets even allowed?!"

"I wanna see?!"

"What's its name?!"

"Elizabeth the Third/Elly!!"

...well, that's just a regular day at Class 1A.

{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuku Midoriya x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant