"No need to thank me Chief Spandam," Kumadori told him.

I think he killed him, well hopefully he did Spandam was barely able to get up damn he's not dead.

Spandam told us his plan so far and how it worked so well he was laughing like a maniac until Robin asked him a question.

"Why did Aokiji give you the power of the buster call?" Robin asked, actually yeah why give that kind of power to someone like him?

He then turned to Robin and groaned like a zombie he ran at her and I jumped in front, so he punched me instead I bumped into Robin, and we fell back.

"DON'T ASK ME THAT QUESTION!! AND DON'T GET IN MY WAY!!" he yelled at us I didn't really care I just sat up ignoring him.

"You should be thanking me, you disgusting woman holding the dirty blood of Ohara, even you your just a monster your freaky eyes and strength belongs to that disgusting race" he insulted us.

"We have some news an idiot has invaded this place to get you both back, they will be captured soon Straw hat Luffy and his crew, they won't win against our ten thousand marines," he told us Luffy is here.

"You're wrong your the one who will lose!" I yelled, and he kicked me, so I landed next to Franky.

"Lily?" Franky groaned.

I smiled at him to show I'm okay but my face hurts "I will send them all to impel down with Cutty Flam" Spandam told Robin.

Robin freaked out "That wasn't the deal you told me you would let them get away safely!"

They tricked Robin by saying they would let them leave water seven safely but they came here so they will hurt them, Spandam kept hurting Robin I wanted to help but Lucci held me down to the ground and made me watch it.

This went on for 10 minutes and Franky attacked Spandam again, they got Franky off him and lead us out of the room, and to the next building across from this island, they had a draw bridge go down and then back up once we crossed.

They left us by a wall all chained up Spandam came over to us with a huge smirk on his dirty face "Wouldn't you like to hear your whole crew is dead?" he had a huge transponder snail in his hands, and he picked it up "Report" he demanded.

"Thank god sir you answered" the person on the other line sounded very relieved.

"Tell me have you killed them" He laughed happily.

"Well sir-" he was interrupted by Spandam twice so he yelled in the end "THE INTRUDERS CONSIST OF ABOUT SIXTY PIRATES! ITS THE WORST SITUATION THEY HAVE INVADED THE COURT PLAZA!!" Spandam was left completely speechless and he screamed afterwards.

"Wasn't there just five?" he asked them.

"Straw hat Luffy took down more than a thousand of our men!" he told him making Spandam even more nervous. Even more, reports came in showing how bad the situation is for them, but they are getting even closer to saving us.

He finally had enough of all the reports "Gather all cp9 members" he commanded two of his men and then came to us "Well you will be going on your trip to hell sooner than planned" he told us.

"Franky" I mumbled "Why is your butt getting bigger?" It looks like a balloon and I don't want to know what is going to happen if it bursts.

He caught the attention of everyone else "I'm making an explosion of a three-kilometre diameter, don't try to stop me" they all just ran away.

"Three.....two.....one! Let's go, Lily, Robin!" He grabbed us with his legs "Coup de boo" he literally farted us away to the balcony hitting into a fence and it broke his chains. He jumped back with us, so we didn't fall with the fence.

"Please don't ever do that again," I told him as I laid on the ground trying to recover from that.

"You're not hurt?" he asked Robin, but she didn't answer he removed all the chains off himself "Straw hat is there answer him," he told her.

I saw Luffy on top of the building in front of us Robin hasn't said anything so I got up "LUFFY!" I yelled and he noticed us and smiled.

"Robin! Lily! You're still there good!" Luffy waved to us.

"Is Hiriko and Lukia okay?" I asked.

"Hiriko is okay but Lukia is exhausted she can't fight" Luffy explained.

"That's because of these" I held up my hands showing the cuffs it affects every one of my summonings and it affects them worser than me. Luffy frowned when he saw the cuffs, Franky is holding off the Marines, but we are gonna get overwhelmed soon.

"I will try and jump it" Luffy ran in the opposite direction of us.

He was about to sling himself up "WAIT!!" Robin shouted stopping him "I won't go back to you! LEAVE! Don't come near me! Why did you come? I never asked you to save me?" Luffy let go of the wall and his arms went back to his body "I WANT TO DIE".

"Robin!" I shouted, "They came for you!"

"They risked their lives!" Franky yelled.

"That was their choice" Robin retorted.

"What did you say!?" Franky yelled angered by her words.

Kaku kicked Franky down followed by the moustache guy and the rest of cp9 appeared slowly. Blueno was the only one who didn't appear I heard he was beaten by Luffy.

Spandam did a whole speech of how horrible me, Robin and Franky are and Luffy just puts his pinky in his nose "What are you babbling about?"

I laughed seeing how Spandam freaked out the floor behind Luffy broke and Nami and a human reindeer landed on the roof. Some moss human climbed up out of the hole. They started arguing for some reason and then Sanji came flying out of a hole he made. He then argued with the moss human, then Usopp came flying in screaming "How is he gonna land safely?" I said out loud.

Usopp smashed head first into the floor and the reindeer human had to pull him out but it wasn't working so Sanji helped him Luffy was still staring at Robin but I could tell he was annoyed. Hiriko came flying through the sky and landed using her magic I could see Lukia on her shoulder.

"Lily!" she waved at me and I yelled her name back.

"Robin whether you wanna die or not I don't care whatever you say! Your one of us!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Come back to us" Sanji and the reindeer human cheered, Usopp even waved to her he looks badly hurt.

"See Robin just let them rescue you, you deserve to live and they want you to live, so do I," I told her as tears started to build up in her eyes.

They all stood up on the ledge opposite us with smiles brimming with determination.

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