"Does he ever come back?" I asked
"Days where's he's stressed, Courtney's on his ass, or when he gets super pissed." Sky said
"Good, and I think I know how to get him back." I said and walked towards the studio.

"How?" Scott asked
"A few seconds ago...I told him that friends aren't aloud to touch me, and I saw the man I fell in love with." I said looking at him

He was watching me and I flipped him off and walked to the studio.

Duncan's POV
I was staring at Gwen as she talked to two of my employees/old coworkers. She looked at me and I sighed just watched as she walked towards the studio. I had no idea what was up with her, but she hasn't changed a bit. Gwen walked back in and to my office.

"As a friend I would like you know, I spelt with Randy last night." She said and turned around and flipped me off.
I filled with anger and she tilted her head.

"What you should be happy for me, since I'm your fucking...friend and all." Gwen said and walked out

I told myself not get involved, cause it was probably a lie, but memories of Randy and Gwen came back, then I grabbed my phone started texting Randy.

Gwen's POV
I watched Duncan stare at me. I smirked and walked away. I looked at Sky and Scott and smirked. I walked to looked back and he was texting someone. I walked to the studio and I opened the door and I go a text from Randy saying that Duncan was going off on him. I smirked again and saw all my things there. My dogs ran to me and I smiled. I saw the three huge canvases and looked around at the paint. Before I started I put food and stuff out for my animals and I saw a bluetooth speaker and smirked. I connected my phone and started listening to music as I stared at the canvas. I saw some paper and took a pencil.

Dear Duncan,

Once I finished the note to Duncan I looked at it, and turned my music up. I got comfortable in my way, which was a sports bra and sweatpants. I dipped my brush in the paint and stepped back. I sighed and kicked a bucket of brushes. I didn't know what to paint.

"You should use your emotions like you always did in art class." Duncan said
"You should fuck off." I said
"Why do you hate me all of a sudden?" Duncan asked

I sighed paused the music and Jack and Rascal looked at me and ran away, as they saw the frustration in my eyes.

"We've known each other for eighteen years and I leave for a bit and you completely forget everything. How I act, how I talk, what I'm like." I stopped and started painting. "You called me your friend today...I didn't come back to early New York to see my friend...I came back to see my best friend." I added

He didn't reply and I rolled my eyes.
"Maybe if you would of came back and visited you would be more than a just a stranger." He said
I snapped my brush I was so mad. I turned around and pointed the broken paint brush at him. He was standing by the door looking at me.

"You told me I didn't have to visit, I would come back and everything would be the same." I said
He looked at me.
"I meant as in like a random visits. Not like actual holidays where you should of." Duncan said
"You didn't say that, and neglected to say that through any type of text or call." I said crossing my arms
"You're smarter than that Gwendolyn." He said

I was shocked, and I was about to snap.
"Get the fuck out." I said
"This is my studio, I don't have to do anything." Duncan said
"Okay then I'll leave." I said and turned around and started putting my stuff away

"New York or just the studio?" Duncan asked
I stood there and shook my head.

"Leave me alone." I said 
"As long as you're on my property I don't have to do anything." He repeated and I clinched my fists

I grabbed my phone and walked towards the front door. I started tearing up and I started getting my pets ready to leave.
"Go ahead walk away from all your problems like you always do." Duncan yelled

I didn't response and I blinked and my tears dropped. I turned around and looked at him. I started to take the ring off of my ring fingered.
"At least I kept the fucking promise you made." I said and threw the ring at him and ran out of the studio.

Duncan's POV
Gwen threw something at me and ran off her dogs ran after her, and I rolled my eyes and walked out of the studio. I sat down at my desk and shook my head. What Gwen did was wrong and I had no reason to forgive her. I had a good reason to be mad and I didn't care what she had to say about it.

Gwen's POV
I was sitting outside on the front stairs of the studio crying. I was on the phone with Patrick. I was telling him that I wanted to leave and not come back till the opening and he tried to think of different things and turned them all down. I just wanted to go home, and be with Noah, DJ, and Dawn.

He told me he was coming to get me and that I was going to think through this and I refused and said I was on the next fucking flight out of here.

Eight Hours Later

Gwen's POV
It was 6:55 P.M. and my flight was leaving at 8:40 and I was glad I was. I hugged each of Duncan's siblings and said I'll see them in twelve days and that I'll actually stay in contact. I gave Teresa, who the was least, but still very pissed at Duncan the letter I wrote to him ad she nodded. I hugged Alejandro as he was staying with Heather and I looked at Patrick. I had already said my goodbyes to my family and sighed and started walking towards his car.

"I'll kill Duncan for you!" Randy said from the front door
I nodded and waved. Patrick looked at me.
"Are you sure?" He asked

I nodded and looked back at Rascal and Jack. He sighed and started driving me to the airport. Once he got there I got out and took my bags to get the checked. I ran out to Patrick and he was standing there waiting. I hugged him tight and I he hugged me back.

"I'll call you when I land." I said
"Bye kid" he said
I smiled and walked back and went towards the security. I had a traveling thing and they let me through the small scan and grabbed my things and started walking towards my gate.

Two Hours Later

Duncan's POV
It was 9:04 P.M. and I knew Courtney was helping with a surgery. I walked to the studio and saw all of Gwen's stuff gone. I looked around on the floor for whatever Gwen threw at me earlier and I saw a ring. I picked it and looked at it. I closed my eyes as it was promise ring towards me. I saw my initials and then my old signature. I held the ring and I shook my head and ran out of the studio. I ran to my car and drove to my parents house.

The second I got there I opened the door and everything looked at me. All my siblings were there and looked at me.
"You're about...two hours too late." Ashley said
I sighed and my mother looked at me, she looked at the ring in my hand and then at me.

"And you wondered, why they hate Courtney so much." She said and walking away
"Mom" I said
"Save it Duncan" my father said

My mother walked over to me and had a card.
"I just want you know, I've never see Gwen that upset before." She said and handed me the card

Four Hours Later

Gwen's POV
I landed and it was 11 P.M. and I sighed and went to pick up my animals. I texted my father and everyone else in the group chat that I had landed. I grabbed my bags and walked to my car. The one good thing with all this was parking wasn't going to be as much. I started driving to my apartment. I let my Rascal and Jack run free and put Angus and Viola, in their habitats.

I walked to my room and looked at a picture of Duncan and I and slammed the picture frame down.
"Was that necessary?" Noah asked
"He promised me when I turned 25 that we would get married, I went back and he's engaged." I said
"Wanna burn the picture?" He asked

"I want to paint my feelings." I said
"Then let's go." Noah said
I nodded and we walked towards my studio.

I Object! {A Gwuncan Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now