The Hidden Tower

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"As I grew older I discovered that I could hear my mother's thoughts, discern her feelings. And I became aware of something else, something that was trying to find her, divine her thoughts and since it could not it turned to me instead."

"You mean—are you saying...?"

"No, I don't know who it was, but removing me from the south seemed to help. You need me to come with you. If this is what I think it is, it is more dangerous than you think. Remember the One Ring was not destroyed and if it still exists, the evil that occupies it still exists. The Nine could be out there waiting for the chance to reveal themselves."

"Celebriel, you know this sounds like madness," Legolas said patiently, "That is an interesting story you told me, but it doesn't necessarily connect to any danger to my father's realm."

"Very well, if you do not take me with you I will go on my own. You can lock me in my room, lock me in the dungeons but I will find my way out and follow you. What I know, what I am might keep you from harm. I can keep you from venturing too close, I can tell you if we have been heard. You need me!"

"My son, what are you saying? Of course, she cannot go with you, it is too dangerous." Thranduil's hands gripped the arms of his throne, "Surely you see this is folly?"

"Father, I don't know but remember she made the journey from Imladris by herself, she does not lack for courage. And if she is right, we will have to do something to protect ourselves if this is an evil we can do nothing about."

Thranduil rested his chin on his hand. There were refugees arriving from the south, humble woodcutters who had lived in the forest all their lives. Radagast the Brown who had settled at Rhosgobel was doing what he could but even he would not venture close to the new threat in the southern reaches. Something had to be done.

"All right my son, take her with you but keep an eye on her. Do not let her wander off on her own. We know so little about her and what powers she has inherited from her mother."

"Don't go on foot, I cannot spare you that long. We have ponies that can travel swiftly and pick their way through forest pathways. I do this reluctantly but I must know what is going on so I can choose my actions. Make sure you and your party come home and do not let any harm come to Celebriel!"

The party that set out was solemn, even scouting parties and patrols had not excluded merriment, but this one did.

Nothing seemed to penetrate the silence until at last Celebriel spoke. "When we used to patrol the eastern fences in Lorinand we'd take boats and cross the Anduin and explore the edges of the forest. It also seemed so empty, even though we'd hunt deer and other game to bring back home. Even the woodcutters seemed to avoid that part of the forest."

"So you were trespassing," said Legolas, trying to make his words sound light but in the gloom of the forest it was not possible.

"Perhaps," she answered, "But we thought of ourselves as guardians, checking to see that all was well. If it is the Enemy and he is building a fortress in the forest, that is where he would choose. He'd build it close to Lorinand in case he planned to invade it from there someday."

"Why Lorinand?" asked Legolas.

"Because someday that's where I'll be, Mother too, maybe. He hasn't forgotten his hatred of the elves, you know. He wants to think we're weak, but he knows we're not. We have long memories and we don't forget."

They rode as far as they dared each day, not wanting to exhaust their ponies. The first night they built a fire and cooked the fat rabbits they had caught. They sat and washed down the rabbits with the wine they had brought, and between the good meal and the wine allowed themselves to forget the reason for their journey.

Lord of the Rings:  The Heir to LorienOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora