She shook her head frantically, picking up the paper and beginning to scribble away, letting the ink twist and turn to create a comforting lie, because they did attempt to do something to her, but Donghyuck didn't need to know that. He worried about her too much for his won well being as it was.

I slipped, and my back hit the edge of the bed. She gave him a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of her neck as if she was embarrassed. He was quiet, perhaps knowing she was lying but believing it anyways.

But she knew the images of the fresh purple bruises would stay in his mind for a while, so as he got back to combing her hair, she wrote down a request. Tell me how you came here, Hyuck.

He frowned, before giving her a cheeky smile. "Walking, of course." He grinned. She rolled her eyes, wacking his arm lightly. You know that's not what I mean. I want to know how you became a guard. She wrote in reply.

"I've told you before, though." He said. "Aren't you bored of it by now?" She shook her head in disagreement, looking at him pleadingly.

He sighed, before saying, "Alright."

"So, you know how there were eight bosses, right?" He asked, groaning softly as she shook her head once again. "Why are you doing this to me?" He grumbled. Don't you love me enough to do it? She asked, drawing her lips into a pout.

"I love you enough to do a lot of things." He mumbled, her ears picking up on the faint words mumbled. She tilted her head to side, questioning him.

His ears turned a light shade of red, shaking his head. "Turn back so I can do your hair," He said, turning her head forcefully. A smile wormed itself on her face, laughing silently to herself before Donghyuck began.

"Okay, so before Limitless, the capital and where most of the people lived, where most of the work was done was Neo City. Now most of the bigger businesses switched to Limitless, and Neo City is just that, a plain city where people live." Rina nodded, slightly grimacing at his story telling skills but deciding it was better not to comment on it.

"There were eight companies that were in the lead of changing the world at that time. They had tied with practically every sector useful to humanity, especially with technology. They were powerful and they knew it. So the eight of them merged together, and formed one big company."

"The eight leaders, they were called the Bosses. And by tradition, each Boss had to pick a partner, or a right hand man. My dad was a Boss' partner. They took over, creating a new system and crushing anything the Capital could do, creating their own city, Limitless."

"But with that many people," Donghyuck sighed. "Something was bound to go wrong. One day, seven of the Bosses just disappeared. The eighth one, the King, took in all those who'd been left behind and made himself the ruler."

"And here we are, thirteen years later." He turned her around, biting his lip in concentration as he leaned forward slightly, adjusting a few stray strands of her hair, before smiling in satisfaction. "There." He said softly, eyes dropping down to meet hers.

She was pretty sure her heart stopped in that moment.

Even in the dim light of the cell, his tan complexion seemed to glow, hazel eyes staring into her own. He was so close, she could've counted every eyelash that framed his almond shaped eyes. Her breathing was shallow, as she stared back up at him wide eyed.

He was beautiful.

His eyes dropped down to her lips, and he swallowed. In that moment, she didn't know what she wanted, whether it was right to have the urge to make their lips meet or to pull away.

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